JWs and breastfeeding past infancy

by rebel8 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Abaddon

    Dragonlady, what do you know, we agree on something!


    I don't have a problem with women breastfeeding--but I do think people should do it in private or at least cover up. I'm not being prudish, I just don't care to see people doing it out in public like at the mall or wherever. And unless you live in a grass hut, I don't feel it's appropriate to keep doing it until the child is potty-trained and running around.

    The definiton of Prude is; a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum; especially : a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty. Sorry, you're a prude.

    I think you will find your neck works. If a partially glimpsed breast is offensive to your sight, turning your neck slightly will solve the problem.


    I think breastfeeding is more popular than it was 20 years ago.

    LOL. I know what you mean but the phrasing is funny. Bottle feeding is the new thing, but there are people (not you) who make it sound like the default original right thing.


    I looked up at her smiled very sweetly and asked her if she would like to go and eat her lunch in a public toilet. She was speechless lol.

    Awesome! You too Scully!

    Female breasts are not evil or dirty. Feeding a child is not sexual invitation or display to onlookers, it is feeding a child. If the onlookers see it as sexual display or invitation, it is the onlookers problem. A child seeing a female breast is more likely to be adversly affected by a hysterical prude making a fuss about it, than by the sight of the breast themselves.

    I have never seen a feeding mother take her top off, wave her ya-yas around, massage them in a sexual fashion, and then feed the baby. Mostly you only see 'something' IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO SEE SOMETHING.

    How perverted is that, trying to catch a glimpse of a feeding mother's nipples? Icky!

  • vitty

    I remember feeding my baby on a park bench and an old lady came up and asked how old he was etc then after a few minutes she realized I was feeding, she apologized (no need) Then patted me on the head and said how lovely it was to see and that it had made her day. She was really happy

    As a new mum I was greatly encouraged by this, and I always smile a a mum who feeds in public

  • Dragonlady76


    Dragonlady, what do you know, we agree on something!


  • fairchild
    If you walk around the beach in your underpants, you're a freak.

    Where I came from (Europe), you're a freak these days if you walk around the beach, wearing anything at all.

  • Abaddon


    Don't be mean to our American cousins! It's fun to wind them up evey now and then, but if they think we all wander round beaches as per my profile pic, they'll never forgive us. Half will be jealous, the other half will be disgusted.

  • Ténébreux
    A child seeing a female breast is more likely to be adversly affected by a hysterical prude making a fuss about it, than by the sight of the breast themselves.

    When I was in preschool, the teacher actually invited a friend of hers with a baby to visit the class and give a demonstration of how mothers breastfeed. Not sure what the point of it was, but I don't remember being particularly traumatized by it.

  • Sith

    I have never seen a feeding mother take her top off, wave her ya-yas around, massage them in a sexual fashion, and then feed the baby.

    I'm for more of this

  • Mamacat

    I don't remember any of the JW moms breastfeeding. I never saw it until I was in my teens, and then not at the hall.

    I remember when I was eight, a friend of mine took my doll and put it to her breast. I asked her what she was doing, and she said "feeding the baby." I didn't believe her and called her a liar, and we got in a fistfight about it. My mom had to come and straighten it out. She said something to the effect, "Yes, some babies eat that way, but we don't talk about it or show it to other people." No one had ever told me anything about it, and it wasn't done in my family.

    My youngest son weaned when he was 17 months, but after he was one year, I felt weird nursing him in public and tried to avoid it. Not because of my feelings on it, but I was afraid someone would try to start something with me or think it was gross. One time, when my son was younger, someone said something rude loud enough that I could overhear, and my husband dealt with them. I had far more people say positive things about it when we were out, though.

    In my women's studies class, breastfeeding came up, and my son was over one then, and I said he was still nursing a few times a day. I was afraid of the reaction, as most of the students in my college classes were about 7 years younger than me. But, everyone thought it was great and most of the younger women said they would want to nurse their future babies too. I believe it really is best for the baby, and as I get older, I care less and less about what others think of me.

  • lilbit
    But I think at least some will agree that a woman, breastfeeding her 5 year old child at a party with so many people present and not even bothering to cover up is rather out of place imho

    I will agree with you there. Iike I said before how long to nurse is a personal thing but I would have been shocked at that behavior


  • jgnat

    The women in my family come from a long line of nursers. My mom did it when Spock and sterilization were king. My sister did it when they were old enough to say "I want boooobie" and had the dexterity to unbutton mom's shirt.

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