JWs and breastfeeding past infancy

by rebel8 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SixofNine

    JW mom's know it's time to stop breastfeeding when the kid ask "mom, is it true that one component of breastmilk is white blood cells?".

  • cruzanheart

    LMAO at Sixy! I breastfed both Jennie and Jackson until they were 9 months old, not because that was a "magic" number but because by that time (1) they had teeth, (2) they had learned to drink from a sippy cup and, therefore, (3) Mommy was going WAY too slow for them (see #1). It was a mutual decision.


  • kaykay_mp
    by that time (1) they had teeth,

    ow. with both of mine, even before they got their teeth it hurt (they teethed like maniacs, and at my expense).



  • kaykay_mp

    also I hated when people expected me to go to the bathroom to nurse my sons. "yeah, I'm sure you like eating your dinner on the toilet too..."




  • Mulan
    My daughter was 2 when I stopped. She was only nursing 2 times a day by then, morning and at

    I did the same with our last child. The others I nursed about 6 months.

    When at a Circuit assembly, I was nursing my baby boy, and a woman was nursing her baby in the "mother's room". When he was done, she handed him off to her older daughter and the 4 year old climbed onto her lap. I admit I was repelled. That little girl was frantic for her turn. I wonder how she turned out.

    It did seem in our area that JW women nursed a long time.

  • unbeliever
    I knew a JW woman that breast fed her son up to the age of 15. He would come home from school and practically beg for it until she finally gave in and let him have at 'er.

    Your joking right?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I was nursed till I was 6 years old

  • fairchild

    I have a feeling that my first post in this thread was misunderstood. I don't think by any means that breast feeding in general is gross. If I had children I would definitely breast feed them, because breast feeding has only benefits and I can't really think of any disadvantages. It is our nature to do so. After all, that is why women produce milk after giving birth. But I think at least some will agree that a woman, breastfeeding her 5 year old child at a party with so many people present and not even bothering to cover up is rather out of place imho. There is a time and a place for everything. It is a matter of consideration. There were at least 6 teenage boys at that party, and I honestly don't think that was right. it obviously didn't feel right to anyone present that day, since it was the topic of conversation for many weeks after.

  • EvilForce

    So it's ok to go to the nudie bar and slip strippers $5 bills to see their boobies, yet when someone gets a free peek they get upset because a baby is going to nurse? So the sexualization of the boobies is good and proper, but the actual functionality of said boobies is gross and demeaning? Odd I must say....

  • fairchild

    Evilforce, you know as well as I do that those are two entirely different things. When you go to a nude bar, you go there with the intention of seeing nude. As I said, there is a place and a time for everything.

    And I don't understand why everyone is jumping on me here. Is it really THAT hard to understand that when someone undresses in public, that it can be offensive to some people? This has NOTHING to do with the act of breastfeeding. As I said, it is not the breastfeeding that disgusts me -AT ALL- it is the fact that someone would undress at a party, especially with teenage boys present. It just isn't right. You can't possibly tell me that such is right. I can see someone breast feeding anywhere, even at a concert for crying out loud, and there is nothing wrong with that. Especially since most people are discreet about it. If one will argue that since breast feeding is natural, and no offence should be taken anywhere and by anyone, even if they don't cover up, well, that argument won't stand. I was born naked, so being naked is natural, but it doesn't mean that I can run around naked whenever and wherever I want to. Again. it is a matter of consideration.

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