love2bworldly writes:
I don't have a problem with women breastfeeding--but I do think people should do it in private or at least cover up. I'm not being prudish, I just don't care to see people doing it out in public like at the mall or wherever. And unless you live in a grass hut, I don't feel it's appropriate to keep doing it until the child is potty-trained and running around.
Yes you are being prudish. Your statement reminds me of a time when one of my children was little, and we went on a picnic with people from our book study group. The elder who joined us took it upon himself to point out to the other children in the group how "beautiful" and what "a gift from Jehovah" it was to see baby animals nursing from their mothers. I bet the bastard even counted the time on his service report. In any case... when it came time to have our picnic, my daughter, who was all of 3 months old at the time, needed to be fed too. I discreetly put a shawl over my shoulder so she could nurse. Guess who objected LOUDLY and told me to take my daughter and my breast to the car and feed her in private? Brother Look-At-The-Beautiful-Thing-Jehovah-Made. Guess who got told to take his hypocrisy and shove it where the sun doesn't shine? Guess who told him... without regard for headship, or doilies on the head or anything else??