New Letter to all Congregations 5/16/2005

by TheListener 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • OldSoul
    They supply health ins. to co's?! but not to the poor schmuks at Bethel? How about all the rank & file who work in low paying jobs that do not provide health ins? How do you suppose they will take this?

    Exactly as you'd suppose they would. Right up the ___ with nothing to ease the experience. OUCH!!

  • fairy

    Someone should put their hand up and ask why they are asking for money.....what about the millions of dollars they have.

  • lawrence

    These bastards are going to need insurance when Babylon rips them to shreds like the dirty dogs they are; hell, when their own people descend upon them as they are seen to be the false prophets they truly are. Stone a C.O. get a GO pass! That is the new slogan for the 2005 D.C. Stone a D.O. you'll never have to go slow! These scum buckets need to be thrown out [to the Gehenna garbage dump] NOW!

  • RichieRich

    At the meeting tonight- the letter said 8.50 per person!! IS the PO taking a cut too? That would bring us to 8.5 mil!!

  • candidlynuts

    poo on em..

    sell some of the billions of new york real estate they have and use that money for COs.. or let the CO's take 8 bux out of the 100s they get under the table at each congregation they go to.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    About a year ago at our circuit assembly, the CO said that some brothers were concerned about the high cost of health insurance. He said not to be concerned because shortly we would be in the new system and we would have perfect health.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    About a year ago at our circuit assembly, the CO said that some brothers were concerned about the high cost of health insurance. He said not to be concerned because shortly we would be in the new system and we would have perfect health.

  • Gill

    EXPENSIVE or what!?

    Maybe they aught to get proper jobs and pay their own expenses like the rest of us have to.

    It seems shit peddling pays too well for them to give it up!

  • Gill

    This also reminds me of the fact that a lot of JWs are always slipping ten and twenty pounds into the CO and DO's hands when they leave. If only ten brothers did that per congregation they could be grossing between £100 and £200 tax free per congregation and meals, accomodation and ass kissing all free on top!

  • undercover

    Remember the little handbills we used to hand out? Now they will have to reprinted with a footnote:

    You Are Invited!

    [handbill message]

    Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

    No collection plate will be passed!*

    *This applies to non-publishers only. All baptized and approved associates of JWs are expected to donate to support the work. In addition a tax is levied on every congregation to support the circuit work.

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