What's the best way to FADE away from the JW's?

by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    What do you think is the best way to fade away from the JW Org, without being DF'd and without being bothered by them?

    Just stop going and not answer their calls?

    Change congregation, and never show up?

    Say to the elders that you're taking a break?

  • littlerockguy

    I moved away; a new start and also to clear my mind; find out who I am, etc.

  • minimus

    v e r y s l o w l y.

  • Honesty

    Move to a galaxy very far away.

  • wanderlustguy

    I agree, move. Luckily I found a career that keeps me moving so it was really easy. Get a new number so the elders can't call you and ask where to send your cards. The only problem is family thats still in .

    What I did was move to an unknown congregation over 1000 miles away, let the card get there, then fade...worked like a charm.

    BTW, my job is up for grabs :)

  • Amazing1914

    I tried the "taking a break" routine, but it did not last. I partly caused my own difficulty because I wanted to fade quietly, yet still say things and influence people.

    Were I to do it over again, and could keep my trap shut, I would quietly move to another area far far away ... and never let anyone in the local congregation, or any JW anywhere for that matter, know where I moved. This way, I could start a new life and time would make them forget me. This works well if your immediate family goes with you, and the rest of your friends and family are non-JWs.

    However, in many ways, I like the way I did it also. I got my family out and a few friends. I made many new friends, re-established old non-JW friends and family ... and ... got to make public statements and openly keep my personal integrity. I walk right among JWs with my head held high. I believe that the more we make a public show of their system, exposing it for what it is, then in time we will fair much better, and help many more to leave the religion ... and ... have more fun.

  • freedom96

    I think moving away works. How far, depends on your area.

  • curlygirl

    Join the Witness Protection Program.


  • EvilForce

    I moved 300 miles away....that didn't quite work so well. So I tried moving 1,100 miles away and that worked like a charm!

  • HadEnuf

    The elders made such a huge mess of the situation that led us out of the org...that involved PO's, CO's, DO's & those dopes in NY too...that I believe that to this day they're afraid of us and that we could REALLY make trouble for them. They don't come near us! Go figure. Good riddance. So in our case; fading was pretty easy actually.

    Cathy L.

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