Is The Governing Body Guilty?

by Honesty 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    All I heard the whole time I was a JW is, "Satan is working hard to break up the family arrangement in the organisation". Well, the only ones I ever saw breaking up families is the JW religion. If you leave the religion for any reason you and any of your JW family are publicly estranged from each other with the threat of being DF'd hanging over the heads of each of your active JW family members if they have more than minimal contact with you.

    My question. Is the Governing Body of JW's responsible for the breakup of the family arrangement instituted by God? If they are then who do they really serve, God or Satan?

  • Maverick

    The GB are guilty of being delusional losers, who are like the god they worship. Their god is mean, petty, hateful, and narrow minded, not unlike its creator Rumpot Rutherford.

  • Dansk
    Is the Governing Body of JW's responsible for the breakup of the family arrangement

    Without a shadow of a doubt! The GB oversees all decisions and is, therefore, culpable. It has a heavy weight of guilt to bear, including bloodguilt.


  • Sunspot
    My question. Is the Governing Body of JW's responsible for the breakup of the family arrangement instituted by God? If they are then who do they really serve, God or Satan?

    Yes they are responsible for actively and consciously shredding families. When a JW leaves for any reason, they are bound to "talk", and the GB is scared of "talk" against their wicked organization. The more people they can intimidate and not talk anything "spiritual" to their relatives---the better for them.

    That's why even a seasoned veteran cannot talk about anything spiritual to a DFed or DAed family member. The WTS wants to ensure that only an elder (or two elders who can keep and eye on each other) will be able to talk to such a one to be able to lead him back to the flock. (gag)

    The GB has it all covered though, by conveniently quoting selected scriptures about not putting family above love for God, but ignore the many nore scriptures about love, compassion, forgiveness, etc. Nowhere does the bible say that an organization takes preference over God OR family.

    They ARE serving Satan without a doubt.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    When I left they cut me and my 5 kids off completely. My JW monster-in-law backed my soon-to-be-ex-wasband in his attempts to skirt child support and his decision not to have regular visitation with his offspring. He sees them about twice a year ... if that.

    Do you think the elders are concerened that this 'brother' is not taking care of his family obligations? Puhleeze .

  • mouthy

    I believe they are followers of followers, just as I was!!!I too believe they must realize( some of them) the great break-ups they have caused .. But Would they really stay if the knew it was not serving a heavenly GOD????Evidently not!!! As we can see by the amount that have left headquarters. !!!!They have to stand before a greater Judge!!! Thank GOD!!! I pray they will see the true LIGHT!!! before they meet HIM!!

    my two cents

  • gumby
    My question. Is the Governing Body of JW's responsible for the breakup of the family arrangement instituted by God? If they are then who do they really serve, God or Satan?

    The question that bothers me more is......are they AWARE they are resposible?

    This question has come up before and nobody can say for sure if ALL the GB members are aware the Org is full of shit or not. Some are aware of it's weaknesses, some know it's totally bogus, and some perhaps still believe it has Jehovah's stamp of approval.

    Why do not those who know it's bogus speak up? Because they'll lose their home and the benifits that come with it. Imagine an 80 year old being thrown out in the cold with no money.

    Ray Franz was an exception....a man who believed in what HE believed in and stood by those beliefs regardless of the consequences.


  • LongHairGal


    What you said brought back memories and just makes me hate them all the more.

    People that aren't even df'd are also rather reluctant to talk even in general. For instance at a gathering when you talk to certain ones and they all of a sudden "clam up" when certain things are brought up. This used to kill me! They are so afraid of being quoted so they either won't say anything or they will speak in such a mealy-mouthed manner that it is the same thing.

    I have no respect and no use for them and their phony brotherhood.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    You bet your sweet biffy they are!

    The path of destruction to families the GB has left in the wake of their policies of fanaticism, mis-interpretation, mis-information, judgment and condemnation, as well as autocratic dictatorship and heavy-handed control is beyond belief.

    It is mind-boggling to contemplate the thousands upon thousands of individuals whose lives have been destroyed, and the family units that have been ripped apart over the years. Have a good hard look at this JWD forum, and you are but glimpsing the tip of the iceberg. If we unite and persist in this work, I believe we will create a ground swell over time, and become a force to be reckoned with, if not already.

    This is not about picking on the sincere and well-meaning JW's as individuals, who are being victimized too, but just don't realize that yet.

    This is about exposing a despotic system, a religious organization that should not be allowed to run rampant in the world, sowing it's seeds of deception to get new members in on the one hand, and once they are in, "dumbing" them down with their unscriptural propaganda, with all kinds of twists and turns and obfuscation in the name of "New Light", telling these unsuspecting, starrey-eyed victims that the GB, and the GB alone, speak for God, and you better listen to us, or else you're gonna die at the big "A". It's "Baaahhhh! Baaaaahhhhh! black sheep. Tell me how high I have to jump, and when can I come down. Don't think for yourself. We'll do the thinking for you, and then all you have to do is listen, learn and obey. That is Jehovah's way....." What a pile of crap!

    When anyone dares to think for himself/herself, and sees thru this for what it really is, and then starts to question anything to do with doctrine, prophecy or policy, and does not repent from this, that person will be caste out from their midst and into the world, with a virtual death sentence pronounced on their head. Let the shunning begin! You must be made to swallow the "bitter pill" of Disfellowshipment in the name of Love, to help you see the error of your ways, to repent and come back into the fold of Jehovah's "loving Organization". Then watch the destruction this reaps....(Excuse me, I think I am going to vomit...)

    The GB reminds me very much of the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, who hides behind the curtain, the veil of anonymity, while shouting his orders as the "Mighty Oz" to the masses thru loudspeakers for all to hear. The sound resonates with such authority, that no-one dares to challenge the Might Oz, and all obey without hesitation or question. This keeps the kingdom in perfect "harmony and order". Then when someone pulls aside the curtain and discovers who the Mighty Oz really is, we discover this puny old man, who is more like the Cowardly Lion that has to be propped up with the big lie and cover-up. How brave would these aging members of the Governing Body be if they were made to meet with, and look into the eyes of, each of the people of all these destroyed families caused by and thru them and the Organization they control?

    Are they responsible? How about the little sign on the desk of the U.S. President that reads: "The Buck Stops Here!" I'll bet the GB doesn't have such a sign on their desk.

    Rod P.

  • LongHairGal

    Rod P:

    Your post is excellent!

    They used to like quoting the scripture about babylon the great and how her sins have massed clear up to the heavens...etc. and how "she" was going to get her comeuppance and so on. Well, babylon the great has been around since the third century or so. So that is a lot of centuries worth of hurt. But look at the dubs. They have only been around slightly more than a century and look at the hurt they have caused.

    Can you only imagine what would happen if THEY were around for several centuries???

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