Are JWs a cult? Well, just ask them ...

by ljwtiamb 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • DHL
    And they do not live in communes, isolating themselves from relatives and others. Jehovah?s Witnesses recognize that it is their Scriptural responsibility to love and care for their families. They live and work with people of all races and religions. When disasters strike, they are quick to respond with relief supplies and other humanitarian assistance.

    Which concret help did JW offer to the thousands of tsunami victims? Did they fly in food or medicaments, did they donate money or time or their own time to help in reconstruction, ... ? I've heard of none.

    More important, they are engaged in an educational program that has no comparison. How many religions have an organized system to pay personal visits to every individual in their community? Jehovah?s Witnesses do this in more than 200 lands and in more than 200 languages! Clearly, Jehovah?s Witnesses are "absorbed in humanity."

    Is engaging in an educational program really more important than saving starving people? Not that I'm against education but their priority list makes me sick!

  • rebel8

    Ask an alcoholic in denial if he's an alcoholic, and he'll say no. He'll produce his own definition of alcoholism, and it will coincidentally consist of everything he is not.

    As a cult if they're a cult, and they'll do the same. Some lies that stood out for me:

    Many who are not Witnesses readily acknowledge that there is nothing freakish or bizarre about Jehovah?s Witnesses. Their conduct does not clash with what is accepted as normal social behavior.

    Who might these people be that claim JWs are normal? I have yet to meet any informed person who makes that claim.

    Cult members often isolate themselves from family, friends, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah?s Witnesses?

    Uh, yes it is.

    And they do not live in communes.

    Then what is Bethel?

    They reject the concept of a clergy-laity distinction. The Encyclopedia of Religion aptly states about Jehovah?s Witnesses: "A clergy class and distinctive titles are prohibited."

    Yeah, riiiight! One example: In NY, a person performing a wedding must be an ordained minister appointed to preside over the spiritual affairs of a specific religious group. Only Elders are allowed to perform weddings. That makes them clergy.

  • Mary
    A government official.........the same official observed: "Now I see normal, smiling people, even better than many people I know........."I do not belong to Jehovah?s Witnesses," wrote a newsman in the Czech Republic. Yet he added: "It is obvious that they [Jehovah?s Witnesses] have tremendous moral strength

    How nice.....seeing as these uh "government officials" and "newsmen" have praised the Witnesses so thoroughly, why not print their names, positions and city they're from so we can verify that they really said this?

    Jehovahs Witnesses do not hold ritualistic meetings, nor is their worship cloaked in secrecy.

    Really? Then why isn't everyone invited to attend elders meetings? Why doesn't every Witness have a copy of the secret Elder's Manual? Why doesn't the Governing Body record what goes on in the Board Room and have it available for all Witnesses? Secrecy and paranoia and the very backbone of this religion.

    Clearly, cults are generally understood to be religious groups with radical views and practices that clash with what is accepted today as normal social behavior.
    Admittedly, the teachings of Jehovah?s Witnesses are different from those provided by the churches.
    Their devotion to a self-proclaimed human leader is likely to be unconditional and exclusive. Often these leaders boast of having been divinely chosen or even of being themselves divine in nature. say in 1919 when Jesus supposedly "inspected the temple" and pronounced these men as "the Faithful and Discreet Slave" who all Witnesses MUST follow? What's the punishment for even questioning anything the Governing Body says, no matter how stupid? I was told years ago that to question anything the Governing Body said "was the same as questioning Jehovah Himself."

    Cult members often isolate themselves from family, friends, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah?s Witnesses?

    Well now, let's see. You're not allowed to have any friends at school that aren't in "the Truth", you're not allowed to participate in any after school activities because that's "worldy association", you're not supposed to socialize with people that you work with because they're "worldly" people, you should keep any contact with "worldly" relatives to a bare minimum and if you have a family member who's decided they no longer want to be a Witness and they're DF'd, you're supposed to cut off all contact with that person..........sounds like a frigging cult to me.

    It is precisely because of this close adherence to Bible teachings that the veneration and idolization of human not to be found among Jehovahs Witnesses.

    LMAO.....ya right.......Witnesses view the Governing Body members the same way as Catholics view the Pope. "...Even when they're wrong, they're right.." as we were told many years ago at an assembly....if this sort of warped thinking isn't "veneration" and "idolization" of human leaders, I don't know what is.

    They reject the concept of a clergy-laity distinction. The Encyclopedia of Religion aptly states about Jehovah?s Witnesses: "A clergy class and distinctive titles are prohibited."

    Whoever wrote that piece obviously has never tried to go above the elders' head to report a wrongdoing....try that and you'll find out real quick about "clergy class" and pulling rank in this religion.

    Occasionally, anticult organizations and the media have referred to Jehovah?s Witnesses as a cult. A number of recent newspaper articles lump the Witnesses with religious groups known for their questionable practices.

    So all these other religions are "known for their questionable practices" just like the Witnesses eh? Funny how they don't list this religions "questionable practices" like forbidding beards, higher education or buying a lottery ticket. What about the "questionable practice" of letting known pedophiles go preaching door to door, or showing up in court to support these molestors while shunning the victim? What about the "questionable practice" of telling people not to buy a house, get your kids vaccinated, have children, save for retirement or to make anything out of yourself?

    Cult leaders are known to use manipulative methods to control the minds of their followers. Is there any evidence that Jehovah?s Witnesses do this?

    Huh?? Where do we start?

    Is their worship cloaked in secrecy?


    Are they following and venerating a human leader?

    Not just one, but a group of them.

    Pointedly, are Jehovah?s Witnesses a cult?


  • jgnat

    It sounds like a good part of the article uses the "straw man" argument. The debater first restates his opponent's position to make it sound more extreme than it is, and then demolishes this weaker argument. The debater then declares a "win".

    Straw Man argument

    When people imagine cult members they think of the ones who shave their heads, walk barefoot, wear orange robes, and and out flowers in airports.

    Jehovah's Witnesses wear normal clothes. Therefore they are not a cult.

    To refute this, one would say something like this:

    Cultic behavior can show up in many different ways, and even may appear quite normal. The question is whether leadership directs members on how they are to behave on very minor matters such as how they are to dress. Is individualistic behavior tolerated?

    We know the answer to this, because it is very difficult for a man to remain a Jehovah's Witness if he sports a beard or wears turtlenecks to the meeting.

  • Sunspot
    I have problems with this whole ''cult'' thing. I suppose as a young JW, OTHER religions were always singled out as being cults, whereas the Society worshipped Jehovah, and no man. It was Jehovah's Word, and not the teaching of any man.


    It took me a while after I left to see the WTS as a cult. The word bothered me too. But as Shakespeare once said----"a rose by any other name still smells like a rose". The WTS smells like a cult, because of the deceptive ways it works.

    The WTS doesn't worship Jehovah, they only claim to. They have grossly twisted "Jehovah's word" by printing their own bible which has distorted everything from inserting things that don't belong in it---to misrepresenting Jesus' teachings and his purpose.

    They know enough to make extremely clever "proofs" that sound as if they make sense---but on further exploration, they don't. They use deliberate deception and circular reasoning to make their "points" to make themselves stand out as discovering new "light" to old scriptures.

    They promote isolation within families and friends, attacking the fabric of the bonds of thier members and making them dependent on only other JWs for socialization. Very cult-like tactics.

    The JWs are conditioned to think that they are "pleasing Jehovah" when in fact--they are pleasing the Society. They not only please the WTS but serve them as well, and there is a difference.

    ALL their methods of "study" and what they teach as TRUTH one day (that can change at the sound of a printing press) are designed to entrap---not to enlighten. ALL cult-like once again.

    There is just NO way around it---the WTS leads people away from Christ and sets itself up as their Savior, telling them that their beliefs come from the bible, when in fact they are taken from the bible, but have been taken out of context and twisted. It SEEMS that things are from God's word, but have the WTS' slant. Very clever, very cultish.

    The WTS may be clever but they still stink.


  • Sunspot
    More important, they are engaged in an educational program that has no comparison


    Educational program my butt!

    I've known JWs who were "teaching" some illiterate householders to read and write SO THAT THEY WOULD HAVE A STUDY WITH THEM!!!! How noble is that, huh?

    There is ALWAYS an ulterior motive when a JW spends time with a wordly person, make no mistake. They weren't teaching this to others out of the goodness of their hearts. The main goal was to make converts, plain and simple!!!

    Once again, it SOUNDS good, but in truth, it was to promote the WTS to make another JW.

    BTW, how many JWs volunteer at soup kitchens, or gather clothing for the needy, or do ANYTHING for their community???? Nope, their aim is to place literature and find recruits.

    This IS what Jesus taught....isn't it?

  • Mary
    Sunspot asked: BTW, how many JWs volunteer at soup kitchens, or gather clothing for the needy, or do ANYTHING for their community????

    I did.....and I got in shit for it..........I mean, why was I bothering to do meaningless work like that, when only God's Kingdom can alleviate all mankind's problems? This is the ONLY religious organization I know of that actually discourages volunteer work.....

  • ljwtiamb

    But didn't WTS help after the 9/11 disaster?

    That's what they are claiming ...

  • MidwichCuckoo

    ljwtiamb - I can't see how the article can claim the WTBTS were ''helping'' - they just did what ANYONE else would (minus the 'press release') - that is, not turn away anyone who arrived there in tragic circumstances

  • ljwtiamb


    My question is this: Were the folks they helped JWs or did they open their doors to everyone?

    Also: Was there any follow-through in the weeks & months after the initial shock?

    Was there any HELP or was it all just a show for the cameras? I mean, how would it have looked (what reproach it would have brought upon the organization) if these huge buildings just shut their doors while masses of victims came across the brooklyn bridge?

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