Illegals have more driving rights than U.S. citizens

by jt stumbler 51 Replies latest social current

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    The Bush administration has just announced that the American taxpayer will provide $1 billion over the next four years to pay illegal alien medical expenses. Unbelievable. Each state can apply for the federal funds based upon the amount of illegals it has to deal with. California, of course, will get the most money, but the point is the feds recognize the magnitude of the illegal invasion but still won't stop it. Now, we asked all the border state senators what they would do to stop the chaos. And their answers are very interesting. Dianne Feinstein from California favors federal funding to pay for the incarceration of criminal aliens and more funding for the Border Patrol. California's Barbara Boxer would not answer the question, typical of her. Arizona's John McCain says he has a plan and will make it public soon. Jon Kyl of Arizona also has a plan, but it differs from McCain's. Kyl's plan will be unveiled in June. John Cornyn of Texas is on board with Kyl's plan, whatever it is. Kay Bailey Hutchison, also from Texas, wants more Border Patrol agents. Jeff Bingaman from New Mexico wants ranchers to be given radios so they can call the Border Patrol and wants more Border Patrol agents. New Mexico's Pete Domenici wants almost $1 billion more to beef up border security.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Every sane American knows a majority of illegal aliens are good people. That's not the issue here. If the USA continues to allow millions of people to walk in here illegally, chaos will mount, more people will die. That is definite.Nobody thinks all illegals are here to commit crimes, but all illegals do have something in common. They are all illegal! Unfortunately, many in the press, and politics, and on the bench refuse to confront that. And so the chaos and the danger mount.

  • SixofNine

    : Thirdly, in regards to extended rights given to illegal aliens, California State Senator Gil Cedillo, has authored a bill (SB 529) which will ensure that any alien that cannot produce proof of legal residency will not have their car impounded. Basically, what this means is that when an American citizan gets pulled over in the state of California, and can't produce insurance or a valid and legal driver's license their car is impounded.

    That's an odd little paragraph. Is there a law in effect in CA that says a car is to be impounded if the driver does not have a license? Insurance? That would be an odd law, from my perspective (TX).

    Btw, much as racist scumbags would rather it not be so, racism is not THAT hard to identify. The clues are not that subtle. One clue is how intellectually honest they are when discussing politics that affect other races/nations. Another clue is just what pisses them off ;), after all, there are alot of things to get pissed off about in this world; a hell of alot. Does our sample potential racist' anger always seem to come up when "those" people are mentioned? Is his/her anger about "those" people's negative impact on the community proportionate to the reality of "those" people's negative impact? Does he weigh, in spewing his verbage (and this is where intellectual honesty meets the sissy assed fear based emotionalism of racism, not you of course, you would never be a sleazy, sissy assed racist, gentle reader), the positives of "those" people's contributions to the community against whatever negatives are being discussed?

  • ezekiel3
    6of9 says: Does our sample potential racist' anger...

    Very smooth play on the race card. I'm curious, are you calling us racists, or are we "potential racists"??

    I propose we dispense with this verbal spew entirely and address specific issues, such as the one I pointed at you: modern slavery.

  • SixofNine

    :They are all illegal!

    YOU are "illegal!" when you drive over the speed limit.

    Avishai, if we had "legal channels" for the mexican workers, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

  • SixofNine

    I don't know Ezekial, are you a racist? If you are, I won't give you a pass just because you holler loudly that you aren't.

  • JustMeNonJDub

    Six of Nien, you demonstrate exactly what is wrong with leftist and the political debate. When presented with facts, you play the race card or any other type of name calling in order to quash debate in the public square. This is so typical that it's not funny anymore. When you are losing an arguement call your opponent a racist.

    This is sad. The facts are simple, they are illegal, and life should not be easier for them than for legal immigrants or American citizens.

    If it were up to me, I would advocate the closure of the borders to ALL IMMIGRANTS.

    Just Me

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    And when I drive over the speed limit I get pulled over. I hand the officer my legal drivers license and registration and proof of insurance. He runs my stuff and if I'm clean I get off with a ticket. Thats the way every driver should be treated right?

  • SixofNine

    :You are you advocating a modern version of slavery??

    No, don't be a dumbass.

    :You say that "Illegal imigrants are more help than harm." You could say the same thing about African slaves in America as well.

    lol, yeah, I guess you could, but it would be a dumbass comparison.

    :Are we willing to accept a correction in our economy in order to improve the economic and social quality of life for legal farm labor? I am.

    I simply don't care if the labor is "legal" or not, because "legal/non legal" is all just so much masturbation anyway. However, the economic and social life of farm labor (legal or otherwise), is of course important, and yes, it needs to be improved. Wholesale abrupt changes in the fabric of the American economy are probably not the way to get them though.

  • SixofNine

    :And when I drive over the speed limit I get pulled over. I hand the officer my legal drivers license and registration and proof of insurance. He runs my stuff and if I'm clean I get off with a ticket. Thats the way every driver should be treated right?

    You haven't demonstrated that anyone is trying make it otherwise, or that it is otherwise, jtstumbler. I asked earlier, if CA has a law currently that makes impoundment the norm for anyone who is driving w/o a license or insurance? But so far you haven't demonstrated that "illegals have more driving rights than U.S. citizens".

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