What age were you baptised? Do you regret it?

by doodle-v 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • doodle-v

    I was 12

    I would have gotten baptised at the first "special ASSembly day" but I got sick just a few days before.

    So I got baptised at the D.C.that same year instead.

    I regret it, but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing, I sincerely believed I was dedicating my life to serving God.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Yeah i regret it.I was 19 years old (mature) but i still worry they can d,fed me with all the ramifications that that entails...

  • JH

    I was 28, and I don't regret it.

  • Preston

    I just turned 17

    ... I wanted to please a fear-inspiring God after being a trained JW turned me into such a pussy. I don't regret my intent since it really was just a stepping stone in my spiritual path, something I'm still experiencing...nevertheles, I do regret the method that the society employs in sticking a contract under your nose and holding it over your head for every single "problem" that could arise. I wouldnt of done it if I knew my baptism as a JW had more to do with loyalty to man than God. i would of done it in the privacy of my own home.

    - Preston

  • Oroborus21

    20 years old,

    Yes and No.

    My only regret is that I should not have gotten baptized knowing that this made me a member of the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses when I had some deep reservations about some of the beliefs and practices and knowing that I would never be one to quietly accept things without challenge or confrontation and that this would eventually lead me to be at odds in some ways with the Organization.

    But I do not regret it at the very personal level of it being a symbol of my desire to serve God and as a symbol of my seeking repentance of my sins by means of Christ's sacrifice.


  • OldSoul

    I'd rather not say, just yet. I don't regret my life choices. They are part of who I am. I won't regret leaving the bOrg either.


  • Charisma

    I was 16 and yes I regret it!

  • ezekiel3

    Age 13, and yes I regret it for several reasons.

    • I was baptised too young. I consider JW child baptisms the equivalent of infant baptisms. JW don't recommed wedding until after "the bloom of youth" so why encourage this "more important" dedication at teen age or younger?
    • The opportunity to make a personal dedication as one of Jehovah's Witnesses was stolen from me. I know this sounds odd coming from a apostate. What I mean is that I believed the religion at the time, though soon after I realized I was too young to make this decision.
    • And that baptism is the trap that keeps you hostage. If I had not been baptized I would have been able to leave the organization without the threat of disfellowshipping.
  • donald

    sixteen........dont regret about giving my life to god....but not to some of those BS elders out there...donald

  • Sunspot

    I was 31 and had bought the entire package---hook, line and sinker! I regret it terribly. So much of my life wasted being devoted to a false and evil religion.


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