What movies make you think of the Borg?...

by Hecklerboy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecklerboy

    I was watching a great Sci-Fi movie the other day (Chronicles of Riddick) and there was a phrase in the movie that jumped out at me. A soldier was being promoted and he said the phrase "Obedience without question, Loyalty till Underverse comes". I thought "Wow, just replace Underverse with Armageddon and that sound just like the Witnesses". In fact the whole movie had allot of aspects of the JW's. Fanatic religous sect going from world to world either converting or destroying them. Mind control, the taking away of pain with the promise of life in the Underverse, backstabbing and plotting against each other.

    So what movies remind you of the Borg?

    PS. If you like Sci-Fi movies, I highly recommend this movie. Stunning visuals and a great storyline. It's the sequal to Pitch Black.

  • love2Bworldly

    Actually part of the movie "Donnie Darko", where Patrick Swayze plays a cult leader who has a lot of influence over a small town and high school, secretly he is a pedophile.

  • Tatiana

    What movies make you think of the Borg?...


  • GetBusyLiving

    I watched 'The Shawshank Redemption' for like the thousanth time last night, the parallels are so great. I see the evil warden as the Watchtower Society and the prison as the Org. The feel of the movie is very satisfying for this ex-jw.

    I'm also a 'Donnie Darko' fan as well. That is some healing, depressing (?) stuff. Requires a few viewings for maximum effect.

    "Get busy living, or get busy dying.. you're godd*mn right."


  • Preston

    There's only one movie that comes to mind and that's Lars Von Trier's "Breaking the Waves". Every time I see that movie I get chills watching the church scenes where the elders counsel the socially naive heroine on marriage, chide onlookers that their church "has no use for bells", and where a funeral for a "sinner" has a eulogy along the lines of "David Johnson is a sinner and is condemned to hell". It represents the dub religion through and through as the church in the movie convinces her own family and friends to shun her. The most interesting scenes are the ones where you see her in some cafe and she holds "conversations" with God with God replying "through her". Some of her actions are a bit disturbing in the movie but I think its one of the most important spiritual movies of the past 10 years. A very haunting (yet satisfying) ending....


    - Preston

  • undercover

    There are several that easily come to mind, like The Matrix and other similar themed sci-fi movies. But one that always stood out to me was Planet of the Apes, both the original version with Charlton Heston and the new Tim Burton directed version.

    The storyline of having a high protector of the "Law" while all along it was to protect the truth about the origin of the ape race reminds me of the WTS trying to protect their own version of Bible truth while maintaining control over their followers. The humans being caged and treated like animals reminds me of how non-believers to the "Truth" are treated by JWs.

    In the remade version though there is one instance that defines exactly how it felt when I realized the WTS was not God's organization. In the new version, Marky Mark has just proven that Simos the prophet ape is not some soon-to-come-again god to save the ape race but actually a legend based on past history of humans and their captive apes. The big gorilla in charge of the army realizes that the prophecies are wrong and exclaims, "Everything I believed has been a lie!!". That one line captivated me when I saw that movie the first time. I knew exactly how he felt and what he must know go through. Even though it was a movie with talking apes, it really captured the essence of having your whole belief system ripped apart in front of your eyes.

    Another good one is "The Village". Not as scary a movie as Signs or Sixth Sense but the storyline was eery in that in some ways it mirrors life as a JW. No outside contact with the world. Propaganda is created to keep the villagers scared of anything outside the village boundries. The leaders knew the truth but yet promoted the lies to keep the village alive. Even when tragedy occured due to their adherence to outdated ideals, they covered it up and kept on moving ahead with the lies.

  • Mulan

    My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

    It was eerily familiar..................being Greek, being a JW...............almost the same.

  • G Money
    G Money

    I concur about the Village. It started out for good reasons but ended up with deception to trick people into beleiving one thing "for their own good."

  • MerryMagdalene

    The Wall

  • lonelysheep

    The Matrix movies.

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