Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Sure I get fooled. It's the nature of the beast. Even a good lie is hard to keep going, though.

    Quote: You'll never get mixed up if you simply tell the truth. Then you don't have to remember what you have said, and you never forget what you have said.

    Sam Rayburn 1882-1961, American Representative

  • minimus

    WELCOME SITH!!!! Unfortunately, not everyone feels good enough about themselves and I think that's why they may lie about who they really are.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Okay, Okay, Min " the polygraph" inimus:

    I'm not officially a midget. But I come pretty damned close being a guy who's only 5' 2".

    As for how hairy and smelly I am: all I can say is times 2.

  • whyamihere

    What is a Phoney Poster?


  • RichieRich

    You know I'm not phoney. I;m too stupid to be phoney. I think people didnt belive my age until i put more pictures and things on here.

  • upside/down

    Not always... but with time...

    At first I was timid on this site... very AFRAID, more afraid then even when I starte studying with the Dubs...

    Now I'm WIDE OPEN and just waiting for the bOrg to put me in it's sights. I may not always win, but someone is going to lose an appendage....

    Can you all see through me


  • whyamihere

    I know I am not Phony!

    I put up pics of me and yes they are of me! As you can tell the pictures of me never change really! I never said I was Hot nor did I imply. I am just ME!

    As to a lie? No I don't lie and I am too honest!

    Phony that I am not. However, there is alot of people I see on here that I can say are Phony!


  • silentWatcher

    I thought that was a core purpose of this board -- to provide an outlet to those still in. I feel sorry for those that are trapped. I had a great situation where I could fade away. Not everyone is so lucky.

    welcome Sith.

  • undercover
    I know of some that dog the Watchtower here but will go to meetings and pretend to be one of the loving "friends".

    I 'dog' the management of the company where I work but I still go to work. Why? Because I need the job and the money that comes with it.

    Some here may 'dog' the WTS but still go to meetings and are friends with JWs they've known their whole life. Why? Each case is different, but I think in reading the many posts on this subject it's because they don't want to risk losing their family. If they were to try to leave the JWs they may get more attention than they want from elders. Once the 'apostate' leaning idealogies spout forth from their mouths, then the chances of being DFd or DAd increase.

    I've been inactive for at least three years now and have been to the hall maybe three times in the last year, memorial included. I'm done with JWs as a religion, but on rare occasion, if I need to for family reasons, I can go to the hall and zone out during the meeting. Before and after though, I do enjoy talking with people I haven't seen in months and months. Does that make me phoney? No, it means that I adapt to the situation as I need to.

    Not everyone here is lucky enough to just walk away and not look back. There are too many strings attached. For some they have to put on a show but deep inside they know it's all a crock. I know of a couple of posters who still attend meetings and are probably considered one of the 'loving' friends but deep inside hate being there and hate having to play the game. But until the time presents itself where they can make a clean break, they deal with it the best they can. Who are we to say they are phoney or not?

  • itsallgoodnow
    And then there are the posters that pretend to be something here but are just the opposite in Watchtower world. I know of some that dog the Watchtower here but will go to meetings and pretend to be one of the loving "friends".

    Minimus, that's a little harsh. That's a real nice LABEL for people who would rather not be going through the fading process in the first place. I didn't ask to be born into a JW family. I'm not going to meetings, well sometimes going to meetings, because I rolled out of bed and decided to see how many people I can fool into thinking I'm a good witness.

    I'm surprised you said this. I guess the real you is coming out a little bit more? Maybe you were only pretending to be nice before. You phoney!

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