Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I dunno, I'm just sayin


  • minimus


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    You know, as someone who does go to some meetings from time to time, I do feel like a phoney. Having Minimus act like a mirror, hasn't caused me to bat an eye though. I like his style.

    I've already had it said to my face by my kid sister and that was cutting. I wanted to share with her what I've learned, and I ended up learning that I said too much to her.

    IPSec: that was too funny!

  • Mac

    Can you see through a phoney poster?

    If I gots on me Bazooka Joe X-Ray Specs...

    you betcha!

    mac, I can get a decoder ring with just 3 more comics class

  • talesin


    You naughty thing, I knew you had a pair of those X-ray specs!


    *dons x-ray shielded cloak

  • Mac

    Too late, J-Girl........

    done snapped a pic with my Bazooka Joe X-Ray camera.....

    now what's it worth to ya fer me to keep these pics from going public.....

    mac,*waits fer tail (tale) to slide a slip of paper across the table*

  • talesin

    Talesin slides the piece of paper over to Mac. Mac picks up the paper, unfolds it. His face blanches. His lips mouth the offer ...

    ... Filet of Mac? Compliments of your crew? ...

    I'll have that pic, then. Oh, it's free? Good, then. No, on second thoughts, I'll take the camera as well. And the glasses. Thank you very much.

    Good day to you!

  • Mac

    Damnit, J........

    I hate being bested by a female......

    til next time...


    mac, still peeking at the negatives

  • lilbit

    alright min ya got me Im really not a cute blue alien with superpowers

  • avishai

    I am who I am, that's me in the pic and others on the board have met me.

    As to that other hogwash, it's not up to me to judge who's phony and who's not. Who can go to meeting and come on here at the same time. Not my job. Not my damn business. I left that attitude at the kingdom hall with my bookbag.

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