JW False Teachings About Roman Catholics

by rebel8 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the_classicist
    Myth: RCs believe the communion "hosts" magically turn into the literal blood and flesh of Christ before they consume it. Therefore, they are cannibals. (Fact: I've never met any RCs, including priests, who believe it is anything more than a blessed symbol.)

    Christ said, "This is my body... this is my blood." Catholics take his word for it and have so for the past 2000 years. Just because dissenters in the US don't believe it, doesn't change the fact that at Mass, the wine and host becomes the body and blood of Christ.

    Myth: RCs believe they are the one and only true religion. (Fact: RCs believe they are one of many paths to God.)

    In the declaration, Dominus Iesus, by Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, it is written thus: The intention of the present Declaration, in reiterating and clarifying certain truths of the faith, has been to follow the example of the Apostle Paul, who wrote to the faithful of Corinth: ?I handed on to you as of first importance what I myself received? (1 Cor 15:3). Faced with certain problematic and even erroneous propositions, theological reflection is called to reconfirm the Church's faith and to give reasons for her hope in a way that is convincing and effective.

    In treating the question of the true religion, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council taught: ?We believe that this one true religion continues to exist in the Catholic and Apostolic Church, to which the Lord Jesus entrusted the task of spreading it among all people. Thus, he said to the Apostles: ?Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you' (Mt 28: 19-20). Especially in those things that concern God and his Church, all persons are required to seek the truth, and when they come to know it, to embrace it and hold fast to it?. 99

  • rebel8
    1934 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Honesty, does that yearbook say the RCs supported the Nazis, the JWs supported the Nazis, or both? A quote would be interesting if you can.

  • omerp

    This is right out of the New World Translation Bible!

    (John, Chapter 6 verse 52 to 56) explain the Catholic view on Holy Communion! The Body and Blood is transformed at the Comunion table and all Christians churches around the world believed this too, until about maybe two or three hundred years ago or so whenever the Protestants came into being! This is true! Please read it for yourself!!!!!

  • TheListener

    I thought Pope John Paul II declared in 1999 (plus or minus a year) that going to hell didn't mean a literal firery torment but a separation from God's love and goodness. Is that right? or is it up to each priest to agree or disagree? I might be wrong but I read that in a Watching the World.

    Alright don't everybody laugh at once.

    Being raised a witness I used to say I checked out other religions out before becoming a JW. That was garbage, all I did was listen to the WT/AW tell me how bad everyone else was.

  • Satanus


    There was a thread on this @ http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/80640/1.ashx


  • omerp

    Sorry about the double postj!

  • rebel8
    There was a thread on this @ http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/80640/1.ashx


    I am just in total shock. I went to the quotes link from the thread noted above. I am totally disgusted. I had no idea about any of that. I will be adding a link to that on my web site.


  • rebel8
    Just because dissenters in the US don't believe it, doesn't change the fact that at Mass, the wine and host becomes the body and blood of Christ.

    Gotta disagree with you there. Religion is not universal and uniform as dubs try to claim. Religion is created by humans to meet their personal spiritual and emotional needs. Though people who belong to a religion may share many common beliefs, they are free to and do disagree on some things that may seem fundamental to that religion. That's what any group of humans is like in reality (religions, corporations, clubs, etc.). Cults demand abandonment of independent thinking and dissention; religions do not.

    So say I'm a RC who doesn't believe in the whole literal blood and body thing. Does that mean it's still true despite me disbelieving it? No. (Believing it doesn't make it true either. Proof is what makes it true, and there is none.)

    I am not claiming there are no RCs who believe this doctrine. I am claiming that most do not.

  • Evanescence

    The catholics don't think that the bread and wine literally turns into blood and the body of christ.

    It turns into the blood and body spiritually. Poor jesus would be running out of arms and legs if that was trully the case.

    What about on the night of the last supper, did it say thet jesus ripped off an arm and gave it to his diciples? no!

    He blessed them and turned them into spiritual foods.

    For me I only attend church once a year at christmas.

    My priest doesn't beat me up about it!

    And i havn't been excommunicated, I havn't been threatened or questioned either.

    For the priest that questioned about birth control and refused to absolve you....

    He honestly shouldn't of done that. Go to a different catholic church! and get absolved there. Or just pray to god personally for his forgivness.

    For the priest that refused to absolve, if the arch bishop of the area found out, That priest would surely get a kick up the bum!

    Anyone can call themselves a catholic or a christian just remember that.

    The RC doen't think that they are the only way to get to god, we do just consider ourselves a "path"

    Also I just want to add that excommunication is extremely rare!

    From Evanescence

  • GentlyFeral


    yes, its was only a few who helped the nazis, mainly the vatican.

    Yes and no. Pope Pius Vi signed a Concordat with Hitler. Pope John XXIII supplied false baptism papers to Jewish refugees so they could escape the country.

    g ently feral

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