Do you always think the worst

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I know i do, as my very first reaction. But, it is almost always wrong. I have observed my reaction like this so many times, that, in the background, i'm waiting for the reaction to subside. It's sort a holding of 2 conflicting thoughts until they merge. W more time and going through this process innumerable times, i go through it faster. I arrive at a balance sooner than i used to.

    I think that it's a result of a lifetime of wt training in the end of the world/cataclismic thinking and learned helplessness. My father's brutality reinforced the wt negativity. My mothers support and approval of my father's actions removed the hope of rescue.

    Ain't the mind a stubborn bitch. You can deprogram all the wt doctrines, but the mental responces continue on for some time.


  • candidlynuts

    in regards to social circumstances yes i do think the worst..

    i have to force myself to open up to people because i assume they are judgemental like the jw's i was around for 40 yrs.

  • Dan-O

    Yeah, waiting for the other shoe to drop is a bitch. Sometimes there simply isn't another shoe.

    The thing that took me a long time to get past? I was so used to relying on myself ... thinking that no one else was interested in or capable of getting me out of a fix ... that it took me forever to learn that I can rely on others and delegate tasks or responsibilities to them. You learn to expect the worst of your fellow humans, and it's a tough habit to break.

  • the_classicist

    Yes, I think the worse as well. Is it really due to the WT, though? Let's see the general responses of all so we can tell whether it is or not. I'm curious.

  • Dan-O

    Or, for candidlynuts, it's a tough habit to beak.

  • Satanus


    No. Ooops, scratch that first reaction. Yah, getting more opinions will be good.


  • upside/down

    Yup! right up until I pulled my head out of my own arse and started thinking for myself without the guilt of the Dubs or the threat that Debil the Satan and his legions were all focused on me and out to get me... simply because I hate meetings and FS and being teated like sh*t.

    Whew, what a relief.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Maybe it's a sort of survival mechanism. I tend to automatically think or assume the worst while at the same time wanting to believe the best and, somewhere in between, I find some semblance of the truth...


  • Golf

    NO. When I seek answers and solutions to problems, I do think think of worst case scenarios.


  • purplesofa
    I have observed my reaction like this so many times, that, in the background, i'm waiting for the reaction to subside. It's sort a holding of 2 conflicting thoughts until they merge. W more time and going through this process innumerable times, i go through it faster.

    Yes I understand this. It is like always being prepared, ready, to handle any situation. Then when you are around people or situations where that is not necessary, it is frustrating to go through this thought process, as I may come to the same solution but it just takes me a little longer. Maybe it is a defense mechanism from years of not being able to trust.

    Thanks for the question,


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