Would you have quit the JW's for a Worldly Person you loved?

by JH 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Yes I did and I haven't regretted it one bit. I am married to a wonderful Greek man and we are very happy together. After my trist with Marco I never stepped back into the Kingdom Hall. I couldn't be a hypocrite. Just a sinner...

    I just forgot Rat I have been really quite nice to you for a few days and I think its time I insult you again.

    Love Ornagefatcat.

    ps, don't worry rat its monkey's kls turn next..hehehe

  • MattieSus

    I wouldn't quit smoking either. Has to be my choice.

    They taught me that I have "free will".

  • MattieSus
    Despite all the quoting of Deuteronomy 7:3,4, Israelites could marry non-Israelites. Ruth was married by an Israelite man although she was a Moabite. Esther, an Israelite woman, married a Persian king.

    Ah... but they didn't give up their faith. Inter-faith marriages were born.

    and I'm not sure you argue Ruth, as doesn't appear she converted until she was left a widow.

  • delilah

    i met my husband who was not a JW. We began dating, the elders of course tried to squelch it. When they weren't successful with that, they had a pioneer sister spy on me, she lived downstairs from me in a house. That didn't work either, because we got married and we are still together 14 years later. Nobody thought we'd last. So, yes, I eventually did quit going after i married the "worldly" love of my life.


  • Quentin

    "When you were a devout JW, and if you would have met a man/women that really pleased you, would you have quit the JW Organization for that person, if he/she asked you to?" I did with no regrets. In fact it was what woke me up. In fact we are still going strong after 30+yrs. BTW, she didn't ask,it was my choice.

  • prophecor

    I actually did leave the organisation for someone on the outside, though it never started out that way, that's how I met the woman who would one day come to be my wife. It was a bout of love at first sight, almost.

    We met in an undisclosed location, only to find that somehow we had a lot in common, as time would come to a head, I never realised just how much. It has worked itself out over time, however, and we have been married now for over 8 years. It has been a struggle, at least the first 7 years, now it appears that the glitter that all at once seemed to turn grimey is now showing evidence of gold

  • Krystal


    I left home when I was 17 years old because my parents had found out about my relationship with a "worldy" person. I moved in with my bf's wonderful for a while, until we could get our own place. It hasn't been the easy road but I cannot imagine my life without him.

    Funny, when I was a witness I thought there would be nothing worse in the world then being disfellowshipped and loosing everyone... and now, I can't believe what I was missing before!


  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    In 1984 I fell in love with a non Witness and disassociated myself before going beyond kissing her. At the time I was convinced that Jehovah would kill me at Armageddon. I told myself this must be how Adam felt when he ate the fruit.

    I told Debbie I used to be a Witness but did not tell her I had sentenced myself to death in order to be with her. She would say that something was not quite right about me but could not understand what. I could never tell her I was waiting for God's wrath.

    She dumped me after a while and I decided to get re-instated. A few months after that she asked to get back together with me and with great difficulty I said no.

    It would be five more years before I broke free of the Watchtower.

  • Dan-O

    I was already on my way out when I met her, but marrying a Catholic put the icing on the cake, so to speak.

  • glenwoodswoman

    I did, too,

    Been with him for 12 years, for years he was my only friend after the DFing. Now we have wonderful friends and I dont care what they believe or wear or what their kids are watching on TV.

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