Bible Study Burns Down the House...

by Sparkplug 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug


    call it even

    LMAO My sides are hurting already...Laughter is great

    JAVA...No nuthin in her noggin! 26 years later she is still trusting in Jah! Cracks me up.. Her one DF'ed child and her adopted son are the two that take care of her. She spends like a mad cow, and says Jo Hober will provide. He sure does. Via her apostate daughter and I am the single one with 3 children. Her other loyal "JW" daughters cannot even give her a letter so that she does not go crazier. Thus leaving us to be Jehovah....and provide. (BTW, you talked me into post ing my bio, and I never heard if you read it. sorry it is just the start and I could not get it to paste right on the first page...but it is there and am curious what ya' thought...even if it is derogatory )

  • Preston

    Spark, what happened to the arson? Did they ever make to baptism or baptism by fire (bad joke)? BTW, cute girl in your avatar...

    - Preston

  • EvilForce

    I read your profile Sparkplug and I like it.

    Although I live my life like a lubed up slip and slide. I prefer to go crashing headlong into things at full speed. Of course having 1/2 naked boys** running around the slip and slide ain't that bad either :)

    ** Boys of course being other men over the age of 25 .... just a side not I think appropriate since JW's and the term "boys" could be misconstrued to something icky!

  • Sparkplug

    Pres- thats my Baby Gal...Godzilla! Thanks

    And the Arson lady...well I think she went to jail or something. She was replaced by my enabler mom with the town lesbian who would come and rub her whiskers all over my brother and I....eww. She rode one of those grown up tricycles that the old people use to pick up aluminum cans in!

    crashing headlong into things at full speed

    Evil...That could be fun, wait lets correct that...That is always fun!!*** with that need to read something... give me a sec to find it! will make ya laugh I think!

  • willyloman

    Someone clearly missed that talk on building your bible study with fire resistant materials...

  • EvilForce

    Very funny post Sparkplug... You can be my fag hag any day of the week :)

    My life view as crashing headlong into things I think comes from growing up a "borg" drone. Always having restraint, always give it thought, always weigh the costs. Dammit, no just GO!!! Enjoy life and let go. That has been my biggest challenge, not to continue to over-think everything.

  • JAVA

    Sparkplug -- The link you have for your Bio is beyond words--WHAT A JOURNEY!

    Thank you for taking the time to post a remarkable life. I hope others have read your story, it's at:

    Maybe this will encourage others to start writing their biography. Doing so helps one to reflect on their past, and the progress made through life. It can be a paragraph, or pages, but the process of writing about who we are is good for the soul.

    Thanks again, Sparkplug!

  • Sparkplug

    Evil...u are so adopted!! and that balance thing with over thinking and over playing... I still have not found it..Actually not sure if finding it is a good thing. Seems like if I get too balanced I will become like stagnant water..(spell?) just laying there stinky.

    Willyloman- Yep, all of the pigs cried wee wee wee all the way home!

  • Sparkplug

    There you are Java! Wondering if I lost you in all those pages... Thank you. I have not written more since posting, but at least now I am thinking on it.

  • Elsewhere

    I recall one kid my mom was studying with. He got his jollies from vandalizing peoples property. He got me by putting an audio cassette into my car's cassette player, only he has put sticky tape on the cassette so that it got jammed inside the player.

    There was another kid my sister studied with. The study?s little brother loved to run around swimming pools pushing everyone in. He eventually pushed me in too many times, so I grabbed him and tossed him into the deep end. How was I supposed to know the little fart didn't know how to swim? He shouldn't have been pushing people in the water if he didn't know how to swim himself.

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