Bible Study Burns Down the House...

by Sparkplug 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Someone just mentioned 1978 and it reminded me that a bible study of my mothers burnt our house down while we were gone to the international convention in California. She robbed us blind and then toasted our house. Do you think Jehovah had a plan there and that we were being blessed for sitting something like 8 freaking days out in the sun in California?

    Actually I am just wondering if any of you all have had anything so blessed happen to you for the Lords sake?

    (Stinkin bible study melted all my Barbies..)

  • Mary
    a bible study of my mothers burnt our house down while we were gone to the international convention in California. She robbed us blind and then toasted our house. Do you think Jehovah had a plan there and that we were being blessed for sitting something like 8 freaking days out in the sun in California?

    Na, no plan on Jehovah's part...........but it is an excellent example of the type of lunatics this religion attracts!!

  • Sparkplug

    Mary I so agree....funny thing is the lady that burnt our home was named

    Actually I clearly remembering my mom saying how blessed we were because we had all of our best clothes with us.. Meeting wear! (70's style)

  • EvilForce

    Apparently you and your family were too materialistic.... you needed this "sheep like" one to burn your house down to show you how little material things are worth in Jo Ho's world.

  • mkr32208

    Thats sounds like a hot study... Sorry.

    We had a wacko ram a tree in the kh parking lot with his new truck then cut down said tree (on top of new truck) and light the entire pile on fire... When the police and fd showed up he said he had sacrificed the tree (and apparently the truck as well) to jehober...

  • Sparkplug
    he said he had sacrificed the tree (and apparently the truck as well) to jehober...

    Do you think he was postate? LMAO. I actually wish I had done something so wacked on my leaving..

  • JAVA

    Sparkplug -- I'll bet the Tower wanted you to report this blessing at the next assembly. I'm sure the Tower set up a fund for your family so they and other could help. Most of their (our) $$$ was tied up in stocks, bonds, and real estate, but I'm sure they did the right and moral thing and helped a family in need.

  • Sparkplug

    JAVA-- You know I never thought about that...As a matter of fact, I think we were given some clothes, but insurance and "worldly means" set us up in a home for a bit. I don't recall any monetary help from the congregation...I was only 7 or 8 though. I do know this act made sure we stayed dirt poor for a very long time....

    Actually it is quite strange that my mother was a person that literally would give you her last meal and wait on Jehovah to give us more, and I do not recall that much help being given to us. Maybe they thought the "State Farm" was Jehovahs blessing...

    I recall my mom giving this poor study our last chicken and I was so mad at her. Then...Jeehover provided.... someone gave us pigs feet and she said Jehovah provides and tried to cook them. Jo Hoba needed to give her the recipe because she had no idea how to burn the hair off and clean them. Our house was the most GOD awful smell for quite a bit....

  • EvilForce

    I guess that should have been a tip off....

    Provide someone else with chicken get pig's feet in return.

    Spend your days going out in service, going to meetings, and donating money and the elders will just kick you in the dick and call it even.

  • JAVA

    Did your Mom ever come to her senses? It's one thing to get pissed on, it's another thing to thank the person doing it.

    The mind of a True Believer is remarkable!

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