the real purpose of field service

by what_Truth? 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rebel8

    Don't forget the moral superiority purpose for field service. Let's reminisce for a minute.

    What did you do when people opposed your message? Did something along the lines of calling them "goats", "walking dead", talked about their eyes being picked out by birds because of their "wickedness", etc. You had just bothered someone at their home, uninvited, to talk about something that is considered private (religion)--and they ripped you to shreds for your rudeness and picked apart your doctrines (which you weren't able to refute in any meaningful way). You feel like a big dummy. So what do you do? Call them names. Talk to your partner about how they're so evil and Jesus is going to kill them. Now how do you feel? You got it--morally superior! What better way to make yourself feel above all others than to go in field service?

    Typical of cults to keep members doing activities that make them feel separate and better than non-members.

  • FairMind
    However, the days of the door to door salesman are long over. But, the organization is so mired by ineffectual, geriatric leadership that they are unable to recognize this.

    Now, the d2d work does serve a secondary purpose - it keeps people busy, makes them feel useful, provides a mechanism for evaluating staff, etc. But these are all byproducts, that other religions seem to do without quite nicely.

    Exactly my feelings! And field service participation or non-participation is something that can be used by the WTS to evaluate individual commitment

  • jula71

    We all have the same thoughts. It's all about control. But I find it ironic, we sit through meetings 3 times a week, over 5 hours. And most of what we hear is how bad "worldy" people are and we should limit contact or plain stay away but then it shifts to love the "worldy" people, seek them out and talk to them. Just a strange change in thinking, in hind sight.

  • Ticker

    Field service as innefective as it is has direct purposes as some stated. It brings in potential converts, starts magazine sales, It keeps you occupied, keeps you polished on JW doctrine which further bonds and enforce thier control, causes feelings of alienation from the world, promotes feelings of eltitism due to criticism at doors making them feel justified in their persecution, and it also serves to give JW's a feeling of doing a life saving work. Its all well thought out tactics polished and reworked many times over since Rutherford's campaigns.

    I believe they will come up with alternate methods because of low effectiveness, and we already see them promoting their views over their website. They also offer electronic bible study sing up on their site, where you leave your name, adress, etc, and they notify a local congregation to generate contact. How long before they offer bible studies directly online via internet, books sent out as efiles after you pay for the link, or even sending in your time records over the net. Who knows what they will do, but time will cause this dinasaur to adapt and change with the times, or else they will go extinct. They will change, they have no choice but too change.


  • bonnzo

    dont forget its a good way to get "double" contributions. you know, you contribute when you the publisher gets the literature, and then you turn in the 'contribution' when you place/forceitdowntheirthroart the literature.

  • Pistoff

    The answer to this may lie in the literature offer for January 2005:

    ANY book published prior to 1990.

    Yep. That includes all of those publications with "old light"...!

    So picture the poor publisher who has a good month, "leaves" 2 dozen books and every single householder reads them and believes what he reads.

    NOW the poor publisher has to correct "old light" about the generation of 1914, military alternative service, hemoglobin use by "true christians", the resurrection of the Sodomites.........what am I leaving out?

    IT'S ABOUT MOVING BOOKS. Don't forget that they "give" them away, but they are guilted into contributing their own money for them, and then contributing any donations as well!!.

    There ya go. If it was about teaching, helping, then at the very least they would ashcan all the old, out of date literature. Oh yeah, the much discredited Creation book, forgot about that one.

    Instead, they ask us to place them, and get the donations for them!!!

  • freedom96

    The real purpose covers two things: One, money from "contributions" and second, it keeps witnesses active in the religion. If there were not 5 meetings a week, and at least 10 hours of service in, they would lose many by just fading away. Being so active keeps it real, and so easy for others to keep track of.

  • Dustin

    It's so I can sell magazines and make profit. It's a second job.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee
    The answer to this may lie in the literature offer for January 2005:

    ANY book published prior to 1990.

    pistoff - you've got to be kidding me?

    If FS were truly about people you wouldn't need any book other than the bible. FS is all about M-O-N-E-Y!

    I peeped the 'double contribution' BS as soon as the 'voluntary donation' arrangement was implemented. That move helped me along in my disillusionment. I don't understand how the old timer's can keep holding on. Don't they realize that the 'real' life is passing them by?

  • ljwtiamb

    Now what_truth?:

    Is Johnny in your example someone we know?

    Are you trying to tell us what you did last Friday Night?

    Come on now! Confess!!

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