by zman 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    I don't mean to be the party pooper in this thread, but does anyone else see an issue with this comment:

    I had been busted for 79 in a 65 this ticket made ten in three states..

    Ease up on the pedal dude and you wouldn't have to fight tickets. LOL

  • zman

    But I love to speed!!!!!!!!! like I said I'am the MVP of speeding tickets, '10 tickets in 3 states for 22 points!!!!!!!'

    Well when I travel I rent a car to save miles on my work truck and gas cost. So what is the first thing you say in a new car................?

    "Lets see what this baby will do!!!!!!!"

    lol I will try to ease up.

  • FreeWilly

    Hey zman - good job... but I think I had you beat back in the day.

    I used to travel allot for my work so I constantly got ticketed. I think the most I had was 4 tickets within 18 months (i forget the points system). BUT, check this out... I had ZERO points on my actual license and insurance. Yepper, zippo. If you travel allot too, this is how to do it:

    Step 1 Go to Florida and get a Driver License that's "valid in Florida only". Florida is one of the few states that allow people to hold a second drivers license, without surrendering their primary license, that is supposedly only valid in Florida. It's for all of the "snowbirds" who come down every winter to their vacation homes.

    Step 2, Use the Florida license for tickets! Once you have you "valid in Florida only" license you can reserve it for the times you get pulled over for speeding. I have yet to see a cop question it. I doubt if they realize or care this little loophole anyway.

    Step 3 Use you 'other' primary license for your insurance company.

    Step 4 Buy a Radar/laser detector or jammer.

  • Simon
    But I love to speed!!!!!!!!! like I said I'am the MVP of speeding tickets, '10 tickets in 3 states for 22 points!!!!!!!'

    What a pratt. Will you still be as proud when you kill someone?

  • Valis

    Actually Simon, we don't have the cameras, for the most part, along our major highways and if we did lots more people would be getting tickets. And actually 75 in a 65 is usualy par driving speed and often doesn't keep up with traffic passing you. The problem comes when you have different law enforcement entities patrolling the highways. Some cities have real asshole departments that are more interested in their quota of tickets than public safety. And you have the highway patrol which prefers people to move along at a swift rate as long as it doesn't exceed 80 or so...Many times it is the luck of the draw when it comes to getting stopped by either one. BTW try driving through states like Kansas or Arizona and you wished you had a dam transporter from Star Trek.. Just my two cents.

    BTW, I have never gotten a speeding ticket..

  • zman

    Simon said "What a pratt" I take it this word is ok to use now. I have no Idea what it means so could YOU SIMON please define it for me so us dumb Americans can compete with you sharp witted Europeans, you know without getting deleted off the board for crossing you. Owwwe and just so you know I get my tickets in the middle of the night or when the speedlimit drops as it did in this case from 75 to 65 and when driving alone. Ah before I forget I have watched my best friend die in a car wreck when he feel asleep driving us back from work, just so you know (but he was not speeding). So I have had my youthfull tickets and I joke about my driving record. I also carry the highest rated truck driver license and a motor cycle license, I guess Iam not a menice after all. Just someone who enjoys the wind in his face. So Simon should I feel privelged that you chose me to pick on??? Because after all I have never started trouble with you so is this the first stone? Feel free to pm me or you can respond here, I look forward to your rebuttal, well you know as long as you don't wack me! Because I do so love a debate!

  • Oroborus21

    ZMan, whether you enjoy it or not or whether you have a good record or not are irrelevant. Your deliberate and proud attitude about breaking driving safety laws is something you should be ashamed about.


  • zman

    WOW first cussing gets hammered then the pope jokes now speeding, feels just like a family dinner!!!!!! A JW FAMILY DINNER!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry Eduardo if you don't like my attitude, but guess what its not going to change!!!!!!! Beating the ticket was great I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!! I would also like to thank you for sharing your opinion on my thread as it is open to all sides of the story. I'am sure you and Simon will give me the same respect when I have views that oppose your own and share them with the board.

    zman of the soon to be in hotwater class

    *but still dancing* "hehehehe"

  • Xena
    *but still dancing* "hehehehe"

    having seen you dance I think your boasting about THIS is something to be ashamed of

  • Oroborus21

    by the way Zman, I don't consider having your ticket dismissed by default "beating it".

    If you had actually presented your case, cross-examined the officer and then won, I might give you kudos for that, although your boasting about having 10 tickets is really not something to be proud of. It is people like you that inflate the insurance rates for excellent drivers like me:

    -Eduardo of the very-unimpressed-class

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