1975 Believers 101

by JAVA 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    A believer of a conviction is a hard person to change. Tell a believer you disagree with them and he?ll run away. Show him the facts and figures, and he?ll question the source. Appeal to logic and he can?t see the point.

    We all experienced the futility of trying to change a strong conviction of a Witness, especially if that person has an investment in his belief. Like the number of years already invested or friends and family members in ?the Truth.? Most of us are familiar with defenses JWs come up with to protect their convictions. Believers manage to keep themselves protected through attacks and facts.

    But a believing person?s resourcefulness goes beyond protecting a belief. Suppose a Witness believes something with his whole heart, and also suppose that he has a commitment to that belief, that he?s taken action because of it, and that he is presented with evidence, undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong?what happens?

    For example, suppose an individual believes what the Watchtower Society suggested about 1975. As a result, he sells a small business to work fulltime bringing others into the organization before it?s too late. He has just enough money to pioneer until the end of 1975 before the money is gone. He?s not foolish because The Kingdom Ministry has reported his faithfulness to readers; encouraging others to do likewise.

    On January 1, 1976 this believer is presented with unequivocal and undeniable evidence that his belief is wrong?what will happen?

    Many of the Witnesses that took these actions and fully trusted the Watchtower Society emerged, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of ?the Truth.? Some showed renewed fervor with every passing ?sign,? while convincing others to join them.

    The life of a true believer is remarkable! Their faith goes beyond logic because of their investment, because of family and friends?their entire social network is wrapped up in a sinking ship. And as the Titanic sank in the frigid waters?the band played on.

  • Leolaia

    Here's a prime example of exactly what you're talking about. This was published during the fervor leading up to 1975:

    *** w67 2/15 pp. 118-119 "From a Weak State . . . Made Powerful" ***


    There is a pioneer brother, still serving in the south of New Zealand at eighty-seven years of age, and his faithful pioneer wife is even a few years older. He sold his business in 1914, so that he could enjoy at least a few months of "colporteur" pioneer service before the expected big crash came in the autumn of that year. He is fond of quoting Jeremiah 20:7: "You have fooled me, O Jehovah , so that I was fooled." For though he had expected his pioneer service on earth to be for a brief season only, it has stretched out through more than fifty rewarding years, together with trials and reproaches. And at last reports, he is still going "strong," like Samson. Would he have had it any different? No! Moreover, he encourages young people to have the same viewpoint that he had back there in 1914. Make the most of the golden opportunity of pioneering the good news NOW!
  • JAVA


    Thanks for the WT quote. You're right, the quote shows the mindset of the True Believer. The Tower can "fool" the believer, logic proves the believer is a fool, but the band plays on. Until the believer has some reason or need to snap out of the mindset, he'll encourage others to do likewise.

  • Tigerman

    I believe that many of the 1975'ers just could not accept the fact that they were fooled by " God's Organization" . . .they chose to believe in the Society's ' truth' ( rather than take an honest look at themselves ) and their unquestioning following of those that appeared to have all the answers.

  • orangefatcat

    Forget January 1976, how about on September the 7th 1975 when the Society said the date was Sept. 6th 1975.

    I believed with my whole heart and soul and mind that we would be into the Millineum reign of Jesus Christ, that the new system would be here and what a fool I was to believe it, especially when it didn't happen. But like a firm believer I continued in the work or the Lord in pioneering serving where the need was greater, and fooling myself that the Organization made a small error of calculation. Then the Org. comes up with this stupid concept that Adam may have been 30 years before Eve was given to him. Boy did they ever cover their asses. That 30 years ends on Sept. 6 2005, Will it happen?

    I have serious doubts that it will. I think the Society just began picking and chosing dated at whim just to keep JWs in line.

    I began having doubts even though I considered myself to be a firm believer in the "truth". As the years passed a d ecade and another decade, I could see my doubts getting bigger and bigger. I stayed in a loveless marriage to a fanatical witness for 28 years. By 1999 I had it.

    I picked myself up with much trepidation I add and true physical pain of heart and walked out of that Marriage and that disgusting Organization. Fed up with lies, congregational problems, cover ups, false friends, gossippers, cliques, and sects I had it. I was so scared of what I was doing, but I knew for my own self preservation and sanity I had to pick up a leave.

    The Bible says that God doesn't forget the work we've done on his behalf. Well I am sure God will forget any good that I did. I don't believe God wants a loser. I am spiritually ill in need of comfort and yet I can't find solace and I sure as hell am not ever ever going to step my feet in a KH ever ever again. I will die first.

    Yes I was a believer now I am not, and so if Armeggadon comes and the new system comes I know I will never be there, but I can handle that because I needed to escape the lies. It was the biggest disappointment in my human life. A waste of 38 years.

    Now at age 53, I am still in a struggling with my spirituality. I am jealous of people who can believe because I can't anymore. I have been to disappointed by the Org. family and friends.

    I want to believe in something but I haven't found anything to believe in. So I try to live with the freedom of my existence and forget the forged lies of the WTBS.



  • Tigerman

    Jehovah's Witnesses, through their lies, destroys families.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Orangefatcat - where or when did the Society say that Adam may have been 30 years old when Eve was created?

  • NeonMadman
    Orangefatcat - where or when did the Society say that Adam may have been 30 years old when Eve was created?

    I don't believe that the Society ever actually said it, but the idea certainly seems to be circulating widely among the JWs. Even better for the WTS - allow rumors to float freely and they can never be nailed for publishing a false prophecy: "Oh, that was just speculation by some of the brothers."

  • JAVA
    I began having doubts even though I considered myself to be a firm believer in the "truth". As the years passed a d ecade and another decade, I could see my doubts getting bigger and bigger. I stayed in a loveless marriage to a fanatical witness for 28 years. By 1999 I had it.

    Orangefatcat ? I was in the Tower for about the same time as you, but left somewhat sooner. I tried to do the JW fade, but my ?fanatical witness? spouse ran to the elders when she found out I actually voted for a levy to support our community schools. Unfortunately, many Witness marriages have nothing in common except staying on the Tower?s treadmill. When the sect is gone, the marriage soon follows. As True Believers, we were married first and primarily to the Tower, and our mates made the arrangement look normal.

    Now at age 53, I am still in a struggling with my spirituality. . . I have been to disappointed by the Org. family and friends.

    I think deep inside the True Believer knows the struggle of spirituality is too great to risk, and can?t allow it to surface. Sure, God?s Organization got it wrong, ?but it?s God?s Organization, and where else can we go? is the mantra. Say it long enough, repeat it countless times, and the circular thinking becomes Truth.

    It takes great courage to leave a sure thing, which we?re not sure of anymore. The spiritual quest is altogether new for exiting Witnesses. Some find it down the street at the corner church, others by a personal relationship or myth without four walls and pews. Others chuck it all, and get along just fine, or not so fine.

    I remember attending a few services and thinking, ?this can?t be a true religion because they have a cross up front.? It takes a long time to clean the closet.

  • Aude_Sapere
    The Bible says that God doesn't forget the work we've done on his behalf. Well I am sure God will forget any good that I did. I don't believe God wants a loser. I am spiritually ill in need of comfort and yet I can't find solace and I sure as hell am not ever ever going to step my feet in a KH ever ever again. I will die first.


    Wow. I know this feeling. But I had a different take on it.

    I said a honest prayer to Jehovah when I left my last meeting. I cannot participate in this madness any longer. I cannot sit inside a KH and condone what I'm seeing and hearing. I don't know what I'll do but Jehovah, you know my heart. You know better than I do why I must leave.

    At the time I believed that he saw my deep sincerity. The sacrifices I made for love of my God. Not for a pay-off in the New System. I believed that, like a child who does wrong but believes in his heart that he was doing something really special for mommy, Jehovah would understand and re-educate me. Or them. Eventually.

    I don't think I believe in the same god anymore. I consider myself more of an agnostic. But I do understand the feelings behind your words. I'm glad you shared that.


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