Question for other Parents....

by rwagoner 30 Replies latest social family

  • rwagoner

    Qcmbr --

    Thanks for your thoughts as is so nice to read that I'm not the only one who sees it this way. If you compared our childhoods, he and I, they would look a lot alike except that I was raised a jw and he is obviously not under that stress.

    Jeannie --

    I have a meeting set up for next week to talk with the school and agree that he will not be labeled just for being different. If he were in any of the other school districts in the area this would never have been raised as an issue but it is a double edged sword because our schools are great...the area is very affluent (we're renters LOL) and it is a college town (Dartmouth) so there are lots of resources and opportunites but the price is being overly PC and over intelectualizing every little thing.

  • freedom96

    I would have so lit into the school for complaining about the shirt.

    As far as maybe having ADD, many children that may have that are also highly intelligent, studies have shown. So perhaps this is the case here.

    I personally feel that being around a bunch of teachers that have a problem with his ninja shirt is going to harm him more than actually wearing it, or God forbid if he watched their show.

    When your son finds some other kids that he likes and has similar interests, he will let you know. At this age, I would let him be himself.

    Best wishes!

  • Effervescent

    I think you have a bad case of bored and/or drama queen teachers. It sounds like your son is a gifted and empathetic child and instead of giving him credit for these wonderful qualities they are creating drama and attempting to label him.

    Personally I hate labels, especially for children. Children will rise or fall to whatever your expectations are. If they are told or get the feeling that they are considered a "problem" they'll probably start to believe it themselves and act accordingly. If the worst thing this sweet little boy has done is wear a Ninja Turtles T-shirt to school they should be thanking their lucky stars.

    Some children just seem to be set aside from others in their intuition, intelligence and emotional IQ. They have a gifted child on their hands, not a "problem". If they want labels I have a few good ones for THEM.

    I think you have every reason to be proud of the fact that your child handles himself so well in adult conversation and is sensitive, creative and the other qualities you described. I have a daughter that is like that and she constantly floors me with how much she understands and how intuitive she is. It's pretty amazing.

    Ive read some stuff about a concept called "Indigo Children". Some stuff out on the internet attempts to describe it in metaphysical terms that I don't really subscribe too, but I find it interesting that there is a recognized group of children out there that have caught notice for being so much more "adult" and intelligent than others. A quick way to decribe the concept is of "old souls".

    Definatly nothing to be worried about. Just be the proud Papa you already are

  • rwagoner

    Thanks Freedom,

    I couldn't agree more...I got SOOOOO upset when I read the letter. He's just a 6yo kid for crying out loud. And Star Wars, LoTR and TMNT at least have a good vs evil..right vs wrong message as opposed to some of the truly violent video games out there.

    I don't see an issue but appreciate the moral support and reaffirmation of you all here on the board.

    By the way....Nice to have a chance to actually meet you Freedom...Now there's a face with the name.

  • the_classicist

    I'm not a parent, but... your kid sounds fine. I mean, if you want him to start hanging around with kids his age, then sports is always a good place to start. What are kids playing now these days? Cricket?

  • GetBusyLiving

    ..Just keep him the hell away from the Bible Story book.. *shudder*


  • Country_Woman

    sounds quite normal to me - except that my first thought was: probably highly intelligent - as Wild_Thing said gifted.

    Remembered me at my youth and Viv's too.

  • rwagoner


    Thanks for the great thoughts and I remain the proud papa, thats for sure.


    We've encouraged him to try new things including sports but the only things that he is really interested in are things that his mother is afraid will just add to the "fears" of the karate and fencing. Personally I think the Karate could be a good outlet and if he got started fencing at this age who knows...he is so focused on things that interest him that could bring home the gold someday if he wanted to. LOL


    LOL no worries there....we go to church and he loves sunday school but there won't be any JW books or teachings any where near him as long as I'm around.

  • Golf

    rwagoner, I have six grown up sons and daughter's, they're all gifted in their own way. Every child is gifted, each in their 'own' way.

    I watch my grandchildren interact with their cousins and parents, what impresses me the most is when you hug and give them kisses. Making this a routine serves as a 'powerful' influence.


  • rwagoner


    Well his mom and I are biased but we have always been amazed by his abilities. I don't know if we'd presume to call him gifted or not but his verbal vocabulary is considerable. As far as school work goes, if he is interested or if he works with an adult he does incredibly well but if he is not interested or working as a group he tends to lose focus. We've read to him since before birth and he now reads every day to me or his little sister, who simply adores her big brother I might add

    Either matter what...he's the best as far as I'm concerned.


    I totally agree...we're huggers and smoochers....and tell each other we love them many times a day for no particular reason. LOL

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