Anyone Feel Guilty For Not Going To The Memorial or For Going This Year?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    IP....this is the right thread.

  • kwintestal

    When is the memorial?


  • NeonMadman

    I do feel a bit guilty for not going to the Kingdom Hall, parking my car across the street and setting up a poster listing some of the organization's false prophecies...

    Oh, you meant go as in attend? Fat chance!

  • Sunspot

    I haven't gone in 6 years now and don't feel a bit of guilt. I see no reason to go and participate in a mock communion that turns its back on Jesus, and sitting among people who are being led by mock Christians.


  • purplesofa

    I did not go.........first year I have not gone as a Witness. Since it was ony a few months ago I was or seemed gung ho.....I am sure there is a bit of shock factor. My best friend called right before the Memorial to say hi.......I know you are in a hurry to get ready for the Memorial, wanted to tell you I love your daughter going? I said NO........blah blah blah........I am not going to the Memorial, I say to her.


    I told her I have not been feeling well and can't handle a crowd. I have been sick most of the winter and can't seem to pull myself out of it. I have not been to meeting if two months.... She said......maybe you don't feel good cuz you aren't going to the meetings. I asked her to not go there.

    I told her I was healing and that what is fast for some was slow for others, and if people will just not escalate I will be ok.

    Anyway, of course, it is something that you just don't miss. But I did. Do I feel guilty? No

    Will I feel guilty when others will try to make me feel guilty is the question!


  • eljefe

    The guilt I had was the trip my parents gave me not not going.

  • rwagoner

    Soooooooo far out that I am guilt free, although to be honest....the first one I missed back in 1986 didn't really make me lose a lot of sleep either....but then again...I'm a jerk. LOL

  • Es

    This year was the first in 25 years that i did not go. Didnt feel guilty bout not goin but now that its passed must admit feel alittle numb bout it :(

  • outoftheorg

    Haven't gone to the "see the wine and crackers" act for about 14 yrs now.

    I have no feelings at all, one way or the other.

    I guess it is now, just a non issue with me.


  • freedom96

    Don't feel guilty one bit.

    I did go to an Easter service earlier today, and it actually was enjoyable. Sure beat listening to the same stuff told over and over at the hall.

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