Anyone Feel Guilty For Not Going To The Memorial or For Going This Year?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    My husband ,son amd I, have been fading for nearly a year now

    We got invited and said we where going, but my husband refused to go tonight. I was really cross even though I didnt want to go myself, im afraid of the repercussions of NOT going.

    we were going to go to one out of the territory, just incase we where asked, I dont know how the elders will respond if we havent been. We dont want to get in to any conflict, cos my daughter is still in

    This total madness, sick and im really cross with myself, for letting them still control my life.

    Im not guilty but worried that im not doing the "right" thing

  • minimus

    Can you use "theocratic strategy" with them and tell them you're going elsewhere?

  • mrsjones5

    Oh hell no!! I dont feel guilty for not going to the memorial and when I announced to my mother that I would no longer attend (close to 20 years ago) I didnt feel guilt then either.

    I'm looking forward to having a whizbang of a great time at the Easter celebration at my church this Sunday and having a jolly time at the Egghunt at a friend's house this Saturday.


  • 95stormfront

    The single only reason I'm going is because the JW wife feels it is SSSOOOOOO important to attend, as if you'll be struck down if you don't. One hour out of my life won't kill me in an effort to keep the peace.....but I will not stand for any elder harrassment though.

  • minimus

    It's good to keep the peace when you must. That's why we shouldn't get too critical if someone does go even though they personally think it's a crock.

  • dins

    Every year since I've moved back to the area where my parents are my mother asks me if I want to go to the memorial, and every year I have to offer a lame excuse...but this year I said, "you're kidding, right?" She said no that she loves me and wants me to go to the meetings, translated into JW lingo....I love you and don't want you to die in Armegeddon and then I'll have to spend forever thinking about my unbelieving children."

    How do you all deal with it?


  • hopelesslystained

    nope. never did feel bad about not attending after leaving. it was never anything but a big spiritual letdown anyway.

  • minimus

    GUILT??? Anyone??

  • IP_SEC

    I feel guity for having gone. Ooopsie sorry wrong yarn er string er thread.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    have not attended one since 1981; never regretted; never looked back.....

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