JW's are not Christians

by Witch Hunter 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mnb77

    well would the Latter day saints be christian... they believe that trusting in christ is the way to their interpretatation of heaven...or possible glorification (godhood).

    If JW, SDA, LDS and all these other "christian cults" are christian, would that mean that it doesn't matter which one you go with and you take on the hindu point of view and serve which ever faithfully and in the next life hope for the best...hard to follow all these points a view.

    if a christian can be what ever does it really matter?

    you thoughts welcome

  • hamsterbait

    The new Baptism question no longer uses the name of the Father or the Son. (They ditched the Holy Spirit years ago)

    Since they no longer follow Christs words at Matt 28:19 they no longer practise christian baptism, and by definition are not really christian.


  • alw

    To be a christian I believe is to be Christ-like. Unfortunately there are very few of us that could actually claim to be Christ-like. As for JW being Christian as a whole they actually profess that they are but this is a veneer - being at the butt end of their actions only leads me to believe that they only have their own interests in mind. If they truly demonstrated Christ-like actions - this board would not exist!!! alw

  • mouthy

    Witch Hunter, you are very argumentative and dogmatic in your statement that JWs are not Christians. The WTS indeed does have many faults but so does every other Christian claiming religion I?ve ever known. JWs are just as Christian as you are, maybe more so.


    Sorry Fairmind!!! Hate to be argumentive also. They are NOT Christians. They do not accept Jesus as the Creator ( which Scripture says he is) They say he is a created being.... You cant say your Christian if you dont believe what Christ taught. God said listen to my son.... So why are they not listening....To the SON NOT the organistion. ?

  • Eyebrow2

    I think JWs are just as "christian" as most religions claiming to be christians...hey, the JWs have the WTS, but Catholics have the Pope.

    And Satanus, JWs do believe that Jesus is who they need to go through in order to pray with God...most of us JWs always ended our prays with, in Jesus' name, amen...

    What religion is true followers of christ? Every christian religion has their own idea of what Jesus' teachings meant. I respect, and believe in many of Jesus' teachings, but I don't consider myself a Christian any longer. Because I am not convinced that Jesus was really divine.

  • Abaddon


    They do not accept Jesus as the Creator ( which Scripture says he is)

    I understand your point of view, but you are essentially saying that your interpretation of scripture is right and theirs isn't.

    Thus my comment about Shakespeare; the Bible (and any large written work) is frequantly interpretable in several different ways.

    For example;

    • The inspired literal word of god
    • An uninspired historical record dating from the events covered
    • A pseudo-historical record put together a long time after the events covered
    • Writings of prophets that have become inaccurate and diluted over time, and were replaced by an accurate work of inspiration

    ... and that is just regarding the provenance of the book, let alone what a particular passage may or may not mean.

    We cannot pretend the Bible is like a car manual, telling us to use XTF 40/120 on the roller cam bearing. Even when it is explicit it frequently contains other passages which can be argued to contradict a seemingly explicit statement.

    Equally sincere people can come up with alternate beliefs based upon the same text.

    As the text does not allow any of these people to make a determinable claim of accurate interpretation, to make one by alleging others aren't Christian is unwise.

    All you are saying is "according to my interpretation of the Bible, a book I believe to be in some way true and worthy of attention, some people who claim to be Christians are not Christians".

    As this is exactly what a Witness would say, it gets you no where.

  • SallySue

    Back in the "old days" when I was a JW we did not think of ourselves as Christian. In fact, they made a point of saying we were not Christians and part of Christiandom. I left in the late 60's. Sometime later, maybe after Jesus grew a beard, they started calling themselves Christians.

    Do they follow Christ? No, in their eyes He is just a god with a little g. They allege they follow Jehovah.

  • mouthy

    Abbadon you are quite right How presumptious of me.....sorry!

    But I dont think ANY religion has all truth. I also think the Bible may have errors..... BUT I KNOW I had a Creator.... So I asked HIM to come into me!!!!! & be my Guide, teacher, friend, Saviour, God,

    Intercourse!!!! TO KNOW!!!! I have a relationship!!!!Yes With the One I consider to have made all . Col 1:13-,20. I Do accept that... I know the JW bible has "things in brackets, trying to say Jesus was created first THEN! HE made everything else

    ( O.k. Grace run like hell )

  • Alwayshere

    Agree JWs are not Christains! That religion is a cult! I know there are sincere people in it and that is a shame.

  • Sunspot

    At one time I believed they were Christians. Now I think the exact opposite. Their focus is on obedience to their GB and supposedly to what they claim is God's word leaves Jesus hardly with honorable mention.

    They occasinally offer him faint lip service, but don't abide by his main principles, nor do they observe any acknowledgement of the Savior's birth or his resurrection. Even their memorial is a slap in the face to him, in personally refusing the very emblems except for a select few JW.

    No, the WTS has the "appearance" of being Christian, they "claim" to be Christian, but their actions prove that they are not.

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