Witness Sister Alone At Our Door on Sunday ..No knock ..Just Silence

by adelmaal 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I never rang the doorbell. I always knocked. It was a real knock. It could be heard....if they were in the hallway or the adjacent room. If they had the radio or TV on... oh well, they were busy and didn't hear me...maybe next time.

    I used to laugh at people who peeked through the blinds but didn't answer the door. The worst was when I was walking back to the car from a not-at-home and a car drove by slowly. I thought at first he was a neighbor looking to see who we were, but later when we drove back down the street that same car was parked in the carport.

    Now here's what's so funny. Apparently many of us were afraid of them, but they were afraid of us too. Even now, being out and hating anything to do with field service, I don't understand why people don't answer their door. It's your damn house for God's sake, have some guts, answer the door and tell whoever knocked, whether it's JWs or Mormons or a vacuum cleaner saleman, that you're not interested and ask them to leave.

  • adelmaal
    It's your damn house for God's sake, have some guts, answer the door and tell whoever knocked, whether it's JWs or Mormons or a vacuum cleaner saleman, that you're not interested and ask them to leave.

    I hear ya undercover but I think I might have scared her to death had I answered the door when she hadn't even tried to get our attention by knocking or ringing the door bell. I just think the poor sould didn't want to talk or didn't have a presentation ready to go. She was probably praying for it to be a not at home day.

    I too do remember having days where I just really didn't feel like talking at the door. Used to fight with my partner all the time with rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to take the first door. Then secretly hoped the first one would be the only one that actually answered.

    I never neglected to knock or ring the bell though. I would sometimes knock very lightly if I felt it was just to early on a Sunday morning to be bugging people.

    This sister just looked so shy and so sad with her head hung down low, her baggy clothing, her hands folded in front of her and big glasses on. She looked like the homely little librarian (no offense to librarians, of course).

    I guess I should have invited her in for a drink and a rest to give her a break - huh. Hindsite.

    I did tell my husband that there will come a day where the JWs will pray for me not to answer the door because they will get an ear full. I just haven't quite worked up to witnessing to Witnesses yet though.

  • undercover


    I hope you didn't take my comment as directly aimed at you. I was speaking in general about when anyone comes to someones door. I lost count of how many people peeked out the blinds or shut off the TV or radio to make it sound like no one was there when we came knocking. I just couldn't understand how people wouldn't stand up for themselves on their own front porch.

    I agree with you that since she didn't knock you probably would have scared her if you came to the door so you're not answering the door was probably the better decision in that situation.

  • BluesBrother

    OK I have to confess and join the sponge knocker club. I was never happy with doing the ministry, especially alone. So, many's the time that I have pretended to knock. In the South we had a lot of old houses that had basements which are now seperate flats. You could stand for ages down one of those , out of sight to your "brother" up in the strret.

    This 'sister' does sound an unhappy soul in her ministry, pity we cannot tell her how we have all been there and felt as she may do. . Perhaps she will end up here one day, hoping!

  • adelmaal


    no personal offense taken. you just got me to thinking...

    funny your words following:

    I lost count of how many people peeked out the blinds or shut off the TV or radio to make it sound like no one was there when we came knocking.

    remind me of a time i was at someone's door and i actually saw her hiding under her dining room table. it was too funny! then there's the time i placed my first live forever book. i was 17 and this gorgeous young lad just fresh out of the shower in nothing but a towel came to the door. guess he was not afraid. i almost fainted and then managed to blurt something out as a presentation. i think he took the book to be nice.

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