I've decided to disassociate myself tonight

by Dustin 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Bav, I seriously do sing that song. It just usually gets a little out of hand.


  • Mastodon

    Good for you...pretty soon it will be my turn.

  • HadEnuf

    Just got on the computer and the first posting I read was yours Dustin.

    You are a brave young man who know what he wants out of life at this moment. And that for you is DA'ing yourself and putting the closure you need on the JW chapter of your life.

    It was kind and mature of you to let your parents know ahead of time. I am so happy that your father has the good sense and courage to not shun you.

    Many hugs and good wishes are coming your way tonight. Can you feel the vibes from all your friends here standing behind you? THAT is what love and friendship is all about.

    Cathy L.

  • mjl

    Good luck Dustin. I think all of us are here for you....

  • jeanniebeanz

    Good luck, Dustin. Congratulations on getting to keep your dad.


  • talesin

    Right on, Dustin.

    Bouquets to your Dad for being a loving parent. :)


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake


    Way to go! I'll be thinking of you, too. Good luck!

  • Miss_MG

    you are still a you man with an exciting future in front of you , you have taken that first step so congratulations

  • kls

    Good for you Dustin and you know we are here to help in any way we can.

  • JAVA

    Dustin -- My thoughts are with you tonight, and I'm wishing you the very best. I'm sure attending the Kingdom Hall one last time will feel different as you cut the Watchtower's strings. Good for you as you move on to an exciting stage beyond the Tower's false promises. My best to you, friend!

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