I've decided to disassociate myself tonight

by Dustin 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • stopthepain

    Good for you ,Dustin.I loved the part how you didn't want to waste a stamp.Good calll!!!!!!


  • mjarka911

    My name is Matt, I live in Surburban Chicago and I DA'd myself last June. I was shunned instanstly by my father, mother, sisters and friends of over 20 years. I haven't spoken to any of them since that day. But I don't regret my decision. I get to live my life on my terms. Good Luck - and call if you want to go out for a beer and talk.

  • Whiskeyjack

    Good luck Dustin...and kudos to your father for standing by you!

    (Keep us posted)


  • JAVA
    I was shunned instanstly by my father, mother, sisters and friends of over 20 years.

    Matt -- I've been out of the Tower for about 20 years, and sometimes forget the struggle and courage many of the newer ones are going through. Most of us on the forum went through many of the same things, and had similar experiences, but as time passes, so does the initial trauma of exiting. But as you said, the rewards are that you get to discover who you really are, and live your life on your terms. Best to you and Dustin.

  • xjw_b12

    You know those Military Movies where the General walks by and everbody salutes him, not just out of protocol, but out of respect and admiration!

    Standing straight and saluting Dustin.

  • pleaseer2001

    Hey Dustin,

    I hope all goes well and wish you the best!!!!!!!!!


  • AuntieJane

    Dustin, I think many people whether JW or not lose their childhoods. But the best is yet to come, believe that!

    And that paradise....well, it's yours for the asking. Live Life well, treat your neighbor as yourself, and you will

    have the best that God has given...your own paradise.

  • Aude_Sapere
    I hope this brings me the emmotional peace and contentment that I have been looking for.

    I hope so, too.

    I think it such an empowering move. It seems that you have carefully thought it through.

    Best wishes for strength and dignity.

    oh yes - Enjoy the party, too!!


  • Flash
    It just seems so strange. I always dreamed of living forever on a paradise, now I realize that was all a false hope.

    Have you lost faith in the message of the Bible because of the Witnesses? If so, please reconsider. The cult mentality of the Witnesses doesn't come from God.

  • Golf

    Dustin, yeah that's the best thing to do, give them the letter while your facing them.

    Glad to hear your dad understands. My grandson hasn't been back to the meetings for some time now and I don't ask, that's his business.

    Make plans for your life, think of things you can do or like to do and do it!

    Here's wishing you the best.


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