Email to Quotes (WT?) from a self-described PEDO!!!

by Quotes 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Quotes

    Just an update:

    I spoke with my cop buddy; he suggested I stick with proper jurisdictional protocol, which means he can't help me (he works in a different jurisdiction that my home).

    So, at his suggestion, I called the local police and spoke with a detective in computer/sex crimes.

    I forwarded all the email I have (we are up to four copies now -- this person seems desperate for a reply) with complete email headers.

    If I hear anything, I'll let everyone know.

  • adelmaal
    This makes me wonder just how many emails the WTS gets like this...and then, what the hell do they do with them?


    I too was thinking the same thing! What would the society do if they received this letter? It would probably be handled in-house and never even be referred to the police.


    It could be that God has directed this person to you, as opposed to the Society, for not only his sake but for that of others. I'm glad you referred this to the police. I would not respond in any way shape or form. I would definitely follow up though and ensure this is being taken seriously and continue to let them know you are receiving more emails.

    One last thing: there is an oddity in the letter... This person says,

    i was in the truth for almost 5 years

    But then he/she later goes on to speak like they still are in "the truth".

    Which is it? Is he/she out and wanting wanting encouragement that the JWs are wrong and God has not lied to him/her? Or is he/she still in and wanting encouragment that the JWs are right and God has not lied to him/her? Kind of wierd for sure...

  • Valis

    I got some messed up email today about a pedo website....I forwarded it straight off to the FBI and the appropriate State Police Department...I say DEATH to anyone who would be involved in such a website or even joke around about this mess...Very disturbing and sickening..

  • Rabbit

    I hope it is just a 'sick hoax', otherwise we may have just had a very chilling glimpse into the mind of a psychopathic killer.

    It seems on one hand, he doesn't like what goes on in his mind. Yet, he seemed to defend his past actions...demanding God's forgiveness, without any real remorse for his victims.

    If all that is standing between the children of Keiv ...and him...are JW elders and policies of 'in house' supervision those kids are at great risk..

    Quotes, I am glad you took this seriously and forwarded the E-mails to the police. You may have saved some childs life.


  • IT Support
    IT Support

    You did the best thing, Quotes.

    Just think if it was a hoax and you tried call the number, and it was a Ukranian sex chat line at $20 / second...

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