What's your take on morality?

by Narkissos 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    I always had dilemmas as Dub, based on "morality".

    For example, I would ask - What's better, bad Dub or a good Pagan? Or a happy loyal monogamous homosexual couple or a dysfunctional philandering abusive hetero couple? And listen to the pre-programmed biased rhetoric fly!

    I felt (at the time) the answer was neither. "God" wanted the "bad" Dub to become "good" and the "good" Pagan to become a Dub. Thus satisfying all criteria and "saving" both. Now I can't even give an opinion or I approach passing unjustified judgement, which is something I hope to never do again.

    I now see "God" isn't all that concerned with "good" and "bad" esspecially if the Dubs are "His people", because no one with a good heart and mind could ever reconcile the behaviour and ways of the Dubs with a loving "God". It's not possible.

    That would mean that the Pharisees were indeed "God's" people and anyone who chose to ignore those hypocrites was wrong - WRONG!

    Why can't "God" have people who truly represent Him in the right way and reflect such? Oh, maybe He does.... here on JWD!!!



  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Life is complicated because deviance, perversion and lawlessness demand acceptance and the weak minded of the world acquiesce.

    Thunder ===}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Euphemism

    Quite true, Thunder Rider. Life would be very simple if everyone could just be like you.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    If it rubs you the wrong way, I know I'm on the right track.

  • Euphemism

    That's a truly fine philosophy of life, Thunder Rider.

  • Valis
    If it rubs you the wrong way, I know I'm on the right track.

    huh? Really Thunder, that's rather simplistic don't you think?

    Life is complicated because deviance, perversion and lawlessness demand acceptance...

    Please define these and/or tell me how being deviant, perverse or even lawless constitutes having a weak mind.


    District Overbeer

  • SheilaM

    Valis: LOL He isn't talking about your type of deviance, lawlessness and perversion;) LOL You buttpinching dude you.

  • Valis
    Valis: LOL He isn't talking about your type of deviance, lawlessness and perversion;) LOL You buttpinching dude you.

    what else is there? Eh I have posted this before and the problem is that almost all the situations we run into are rarely ever only moral, lwgal, ethical issues respectively. In my personal belief I try to have them all meet in the middle somewhere.....Generally though do no harm is something I work towards...not always easy either...*LOL* Sincerely, District Overbeer

  • SheilaM

    Oh, hun you are on another level that is all your own. How do you think you get away with all you do? It's that baby face of yours and your intellect. I mean how many people can be ripped and remember full conversations?

  • Narkissos


    How do you define "moral" vs. "ethical"?

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