Name ways in which the Watchtower could make JW life more "appealing"?

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Have some literature that is actually worth reading. I mean the magaizes and books are like 3rd grade readers, See God create, create God create. The stuff is so moronic that anyone with an IQ above a sausage will be bored within three sentences.

  • Dragonlady76

    Big D said,

    Have some literature that is actually worth reading. I mean the magaizes and books are like 3rd grade readers, See God create, create God create. The stuff is so moronic that anyone with an IQ above a sausage will be bored within three sentences.


    I would agree with you, but the borg is hopelessly boring. To make it more appealing they would literaly have to start over from scratch!


  • Honesty

    Donate blood.

    Help out at the Food Pantry or Second Harvest instead of Field Service.

    Volunteer at the local hospital.

    Donate to Easter Seal.

    Work the phones for Jerry's Kids.

    Donate to the Cancer Society.

    Donate to the International Baptist Mission

    Donate to the political party of your choice.

    Allow independent study of religious literature.

    Donate to Leukemia research

    Delete all the pioneers and have them do all of the above

    Delete all elders and hire qualified pastors

    Delete all ministerial servants and hire qualified janitors and window washers

    Invite the community to the annual Christmas party

    Mail Goodwill packages to the boys in uniform who are fighting a righteous war against tyranny and opression...

    Wait!! Send all the troops to Bethel and let them clean house

    Baptise people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit instead of into the WTBTS Publishing Company sales force and its spirit directed governing body of crooks and thieves

    Hire Al Sharpton and Jerry Falwell to give the commencement at Gilead graduation Day

  • Special K
    Special K

    Get rid of the disfellowshipping thingy.

    Get rid of the blood transfusion stuff.

    Wear whatever you want at the meetings.

    Only 1 meeting a week.

    No more of this field service stuff.

    Give itself a good kicking as far as equality of men and women. Women elders, ms, etc. too.

    Refocus their structure and take out the GB and have a direct line to God.

    almost sounds like they are just going to have to dismantle the whole darn thing doesn't it.

    Too much bible interpretation in their beliefs too. That Armageddon thingy is certainly way over the top for me now.


  • truth_about_the_truth

    The GB needs to chill out and just admit that they make mistakes, are trying their best and drop the whole mouthpiece of God complex.

    Then leave the spirituality to each and every individual.

    But wait, that means that they would be obsolete and wouldn't be necessary!!!?? There's concept to think about!

  • HadEnuf

    Substitute the Watchtower Study with Karioke (sorry, spelling). Truthfully...I don't believe there is anything short of this religion just disappearing off the face of the earth that could make JW life "appealing". Thus, meaning there would be no such thing AS JW life! Good riddance.

    Cathy L.

  • xjw_b12

    The words jehovah's witnesses and appealing in the same sentence is simply an oxymoron.

    The karoke thing was funny though

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Celebrate holidays.

    Due away with the disfellowshipping policy.


  • TheEdge
    Music and sinning that you can get behind.

    I also like mtbatoon's idea - maybe a Sinning Competition? lol

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Have the church really help out in community projects.

    Reduce drastically number of meetings. Once per week is just fine for most people.


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