Name ways in which the Watchtower could make JW life more "appealing"?

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtbatoon

    I was always jealous of gospel choirs. Music and sinning that you can get behind.

  • TresHappy

    Stop making all those poor publishers go out on Saturdays and actually be able to sleep in!

  • Crumpet

    Let the women give the talks

  • RebelliousSpirit
    Brothers and Sisters should be able to go to meetings dressed the way they want, as long as it's clean. That would be better, no?

    Heck yeah, considering I've been fighting for months about women not being allowed to wear dress slacks. WTF is up with that?? None of their arguments held water with me, like, "Women can only wear slacks to meetings where culture dictates such, because for example it's very cold there". Hmmm ... let me see here ... NEGATIVE 10 isn't cold enough for ya?

    Anyway, this stupid rule alone is enough to send me running for the hills. I'm not asking to wear a mini skirt and stillettos for cryin out loud - I'm asking to wear DRESS PANTS. Get over it!

  • RebelliousSpirit

    Let the women give the talks

    Yep that's another one on my list. What is this "listening in" crap anyway? "Ok friends, let's listen in and see what sister so-and-so has to say". You can only listen to a woman if you're "listening in"?? Bah!

    There have been many occasions where I could have given far better talks than the brother up there. Heh.

    Oh wait, that must be my college educated ego talking.

  • JH

    One way of making people "think" alike is making them "look" alike. This seems to be a JW reasoning behind their dress code...

  • metatron

    Hardly any Witness ever notices that while none of their specific meetings are referred to in the Bible ( Book Study, Watchtower

    Study, etc), the one Christian meeting that the Bible does refer to isn't on the schedule:

    a communal meal together

    Early Christians did 'love feasts' and although few Witnesses are starving ( look at the wastelines), they might benefit

    from such social events. They really lost something when they gave up food service at assemblies to save money.


  • Crumpet

    Hey Rebellious - glad you agree!

    I used to prepare the Instruction talk, the bible reading etc - in fact all the talks for thursday nights in case there were any no shows. One of my friends used my bible reading talk (admittedly not loads of my words as most of it was bible reading) to do a stand in once. That was the closest I ever got to doing a boys talk!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Spin the bottle in the second school for all the single folk.


  • wanderlustguy

    Maybe if they had the JWWWF Smackdown....nevermind...

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