cleaning the mind and the implanting of right thinking . . . 1970 Yearbook

by garybuss 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Lol @ Gopher. Good one!

  • integ

    Actually a spring can start off with sweet water and then start spewing out bitter if the spring is tampered with..or if radiation gets into the ground surrounding the spring. What started out as earnest bible study in the mid 1800's (sweet water) was tampered and polluted by mind control megalomaniac freaks (bitter water).


  • itsallgoodnow
    I substituted all gut feeling for what the watchtower taught. Dear God, please forgive me... ;)

    It's a great thing our gut doesn't give up on us long after our brains have shut down.

  • jeanniebeanz
    It's a great thing our gut doesn't give up on us long after our brains have shut down.

    No Kidding!!!


  • Tigerman

    garybuss . . .thank you very much !

  • Leolaia

    These are among the more striking cult-think statements I have found:

    ***w52 6/1 p. 351 Questions from Readers ***

    We must be willing to dismiss our own thoughts to make room for God?s thoughts, and bend our thinking to conform to the principles of God as shown in his Word, even on this point of family and community responsibility. (Isa. 55:8, 9)

    *** w59 5/1 p. 269 Attain Completeness in the New World Society ***

    In the same way Christ, the Head, employs the organization that is his body to carry out his assigned work. His orders reach the whole of the organization on earth through the governing body, and on down through the Branches to the congregations.?1 Cor. 12:12-18; Matt. 24:45-47. To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.

    *** w61 9/1 p. 539 Staying Awake as Approved Slaves ***

    Manifesting loyalty to God?s channel and one?s brothers and showing love is a fifth way in which we can stay awake as approved slaves.....And lastly, we can stay awake by being respectful and obedient to the organization, the Watch Tower Society and its appointed servants. Yes, "remember those who are governing you, . . . and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith."?Heb. 13:7. So let us stay awake as approved slaves by co-operating with the "faithful and discreet slave" to the best of our ability.

    *** w83 3/1 p. 25 What Is Our Position Toward Opposers of the Truth? ***

    Consider some of the other "twisted things" used to mislead God?s people today. On occasion opposers will question the various teachings that Jehovah?s people hold in common. Often this becomes a debate about words, just as it was in the first century. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) They may also question the need for an organization to direct the minds of God?s people. Their view is, God?s spirit can direct individuals without some central, organized body of men giving direction.

    *** uw chap. 15 p. 118 How Does Jehovah Direct His Organization?***

    The organization is theocratic, or God-ruled. Jehovah provides direction for his people through the one that He appointed to be the invisible head of the congregation, the Lord Jesus Christ, and by means of His own inspired Word, the Bible....To please Jehovah, we need to accept the instruction he provides through this channel and act in full harmony with it....It is by means of his visible organization under Christ as appointed head that Jehovah is dealing with us today. So our attitude toward this organization demonstrates in a practical way the stand that we are taking on the issue of sovereignty. (Heb. 13:17) ....By cultivating wholesome respect for Jehovah?s organization and wholeheartedly doing the work that he directs, we give evidence that Jehovah truly is our God and that we are united in his worship.?1 Cor. 15:58.

    ***w96 12/1 p. 11 Parents, Find Pleasure in Your Children ***

    To supply these needs, fathers especially are urged to bring their children up "in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6:4) What does this involve? "Mental-regulating of Jehovah" means regulating our thinking to conform to Jehovah?s will. Parents, then, must instill in the minds of their little ones Jehovah?s thinking on matters.

    I don't know if Quotes has all these passages on his site, but they are really striking -- if not downright creepy.

  • garybuss

    The Watch Tower Publishing company has hidden some very interesting articles in the yearbooks. I especially liked the Yearbook letters signed by Knorr. It was the only Watch Tower Publishing Corporation literature with a byline I ever saw after Rutherford died and Knorr got himself established in his king for life job.

  • garybuss

    Oh, good ones Leolaia! Thanks!

  • kaykay_mp

    I don't see anything wrong with clearing your mind to take assessment of where you stand in life, even spiritually. But in their context it sounds like a prelude to a good brainwashing.



  • Poztate
    Looks like they're trying to extol the virtues of brainwashing.


    They TWIST the word brainwashing to their own advantage. I remember a district assembly in the early 1970's. The Co was giving a talk. I believe his name was Veenstra. (something like that) He made the point that"opposers" claimed that JW's were brainwashed. He said that was TRUE. We all needed to have our brains washed clean from the FILTH of the world etc. etc etc. The crowd went wild with applause.Yes..Yes..Yes..We are all brainwashed and we thank the WT for doing it to us.

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