607? 587? What does it matter

by IP_SEC 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Flash
    607? 587? What does it matter

    I know it's a sore point with many...dates do matter. Times and Seasons matter. Its evident by honest observation 1914 was a turning point in mankinds history and I do believe it marked the begining of the 'pangs of distress'.

  • IP_SEC
    Im just saying if god cared whether or not we knew the date he'd a put the date in the bible. Interpretation of prophecy shouldnt depend on archeology, and it does for the dubs.

    Are we really to believe that this prophecy could only be understood after the relevant archeological discoveries were made?

    I'm sorry I'm probably not being as clear as I should. My main point isnt does the daniel 7 times prophecy matter. My question is should the interpretation of that or any prophecy depend on archeology. I believe the dub interpretation hinges on what history says rather than what can be internally determined from scripture.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    I think love is more important, although as a JW, I would have said 'accurate knowledge' ...

  • aniron

    It does not matter to a Christian.

    But sure matters to a JW. Their whole basis is that Christ took Kingdom power in 1914, then in 1919, chose the Watchtower organisation as his sole representatives on earth. Take that away from them and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

  • JustTickledPink

    I think the most important dates and timeline in my life revolve around a 28 day cycle.

    That's it.

  • IP_SEC

    LOL mine too JTP, just from a different point of view.



  • stevenyc

    Does it matter?

    I think so.

    This statement of 1914 being the end of the gentile times is the primary piece of 'factual' evidence the WT&BTS use to identify the 'last days'. Everything else is supposition. They use this as their foundation for authority, and fear control to their cult members.


  • peacefulpete
  • stevenyc


    I can't make up my mind, NP or IP, hmmmm, I'll go with 'its the CCIP Training Pyramid'


  • IP_SEC
    I can't make up my mind, NP or IP, hmmmm, I'll go with 'its the CCIP Training Pyramid'

    Its to remind me to study for BCRAN, most boring ccnp test to me.

    IPSec (future CCIE VOIP class)

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