Study conductor claims the "WTS is not the FDS"...and other JW affirmations

by M.J. 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • FDS

    " I was approached by a Jehovah's Witness (elder or pioneer?) who was boldly witnessing at a gas station in California last fall. He pitched the standard WT line and I asked him if I could ask him a question. He said delightedly, "Sure".

    I asked him why Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus only died for the 144,000? He said we don't believe that! I replied, "But you do believe that the Society teaches that Christ only mediated the new covenant with annointed Jehovah's Witnesses through the spilling of his blood right? He replied, "No he died for everyone". I told him I was a 4th gerneration Jehovah's Witness, and an ex regular pioneer. I then asked him how he could sllep at night knowing that he was lying to all the good people in his community. he screamed, "I'm not lying!" I told him calmly that I knew that he was lying and that he also knew that he was. He replied as he quickly walked away, "Oh, so you already know everything" I stood there transfixed as I watched this poor soul walk away in defeat and in psychological trauma. I think I felt truly sorry for Jehovah's Witnesses for the fist time then. He looked so pitiful and naked. Later I wished that I had thought to tell he that if he knew Christ that he would not need to lie any more.

    I have had many conversations with JW's, and I can assure you that they indeed tell copious lies. As a pioneer, I was conducting 8 bible studies per month at one time. I can assure everyone here that I told the same lies to cover the WT rear end on a variety of subjects. I'm sure that many of the members of this board who were good evangilizers can attest to their own deceptions while they were members. I know that I flat out lied to people. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time." Forgive me but that is a classic example on how NOT to talk to an Active JW. "I stood there transfixed as I watched this poor soul walk away in defeat and in psychological trauma. I think I felt truly sorry for Jehovah's Witnesses for the fist time then. He looked so pitiful and naked. Later I wished that I had thought to tell he that if he knew Christ that he would not need to lie any more. " If anything it looks like you proved nothing at all. How could caalling one's religion a LIE be helpful? Its not even a question as to whether the WT lies but how you go about letting the WITNESS see this for himself in a non agressive manner, not boastful and cocky like you have some spiritual sword (I really think Christians in many ways reflect cultic mind sets - simply read any Creation Science wacko site) A witness needs OUT of the Watchtower IF he sees things that he cannot agree with but to tell anyone that just because the Watchtower is not "truth" CERTAINLY does not mean there is even such a thing as "truth" in a religious manner. FDS

  • scholar


    There is no way that any other group other than those identified with the WT Society at the beginning of the last century could qualify as the faithful and discreet slave. It is only those anointed ones later identified as Jehovah's Witnesses who have been faithful and loyal to the Christ and God's Word. Proof for this is confirmed by studying the history of Christendom in the USA as all of the churches have been and are influenced by the previous Modern and Post- Modern ideas. Protestantism in America is a slave to Post Modernity and is rendered completely unsuitable for the Lord's work, in comparison the FDS continues to the only shining beacon in a world of spiritual darkness. Sobering is it not?

    scholar emeritus

    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • Valis
    in comparison the FDS continues to the only shining beacon in a world of spiritual darkness. Sobering is it not?

    scholar emeritus

    *LOL* more like scholar detrius..

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It is only those anointed ones later identified as Jehovah's Witnesses who have been faithful and loyal to the Christ and God's Word. Proof for this is confirmed by studying the history of Christendom in the USA as all of the churches have been and are influenced by the previous Modern and Post- Modern ideas. Protestantism in America is a slave to Post Modernity and is rendered completely unsuitable for the Lord's work, in comparison the FDS continues to the only shining beacon in a world of spiritual darkness

    A shining beacon that has allowed thousands of innocent children to be brutalized at the hands of sexual offenders. This shining jewel, this spirit directed organization, this one true religion stands by while the evil that men do takes place. It is pompous and self-important windbags such as yourself who turn a blind eye towards the reality of evil.

    Who gives a shit about 1914, or 607! Do you know or even care how harmful the two witness rule is in real life? Do you realize that it requires that two adults must stand and watch a child being raped? Does any part of you give a tinkers dam that these two adults cannot interfere or else there is no rape? Can you find it within yourself to stop playing games long enough to really understand how monstrous Jehovah's Witnesses have become?

    No, I didn't think so. That would require a heart, and a caring soul. Blow past my words did you? Then realize it is because of people like you, and the denial in which you live that hideous evil takes place in a closed society of a high control religious sect.

  • Perry
    If anything it looks like you proved nothing at all.

    I wasn't trying to "prove" anything. I just helped him to appreciate that he was actually teaching a faith in the WT claimed authority of the Christ rather than in Jesus Himself.

    How could caalling one's religion a LIE be helpful?

    Jehovah's Witnesses lie so much that they don't know what is truth anymore. As a witness, I would claim that Christ died for me all the while knowing that I believed that Christ only died for the annointed as the WT teaches. I believed as did most of us here that I would "gain" salvation if I followed the WT. Christ never even entered the picture as I "worked out" my salvation. So, witnesses have this cognitive dissonance that allows them to hold two diametrically opposed ideas at the same time and somehow claim that both are right. It is deceptive, not logical and I believe a lie. I used to cover this fact so that my message would be more acceptable to normal people. If witnesses were proud of the object of their faith, they should just come right out in the open and say Christ has given all of his authority to the WT leadership and to the anomynous ghost writers of the WT and then explain why they believe this. This of course would lead to an honest examination of WT history which is fraught with non-sense.

    Its not even a question as to whether the WT lies but how you go about letting the WITNESS see this for himself

    So according to your view, truth is not nearly as important as the technique employed to expose lies. I can go with that. You expose falsehood your way, and I'll do it mine.

  • M.J.
    There is no way that any other group other than those identified with the WT Society at the beginning of the last century could qualify as the faithful and discreet slave. It is only those anointed ones later identified as Jehovah's Witnesses who have been faithful and loyal to the Christ and God's Word. Proof for this is confirmed by studying the history of Christendom in the USA as all of the churches have been and are influenced by the previous Modern and Post- Modern ideas. Protestantism in America is a slave to Post Modernity and is rendered completely unsuitable for the Lord's work, in comparison the FDS continues to the only shining beacon in a world of spiritual darkness. Sobering is it not?

    Scholar, please review the activities/beliefs/prophecies of the Bible Students "at the beginning of the last century". I could get into all the painful details, but suffice it to say that my philandering great uncle Jake was more likely to be the "faithful discreet slave". The WTS itself will admit that there were other groups in existance who advocated the same core doctrines that they did at that time, but a look at the record reveals that even the flakiest of the flakes didn't "go beyond things written" to the ridiculous extent that was going on among the "anointed remnant".

  • FDS

    Jehovah's Witnesses lie so much that they don't know what is truth anymore. As a witness, I would claim that Christ died for me all the while knowing that I believed that Christ only died for the annointed as the WT teaches. I believed as did most of us here that I would "gain" salvation if I followed the WT. Christ never even entered the picture as I "worked out" my salvation. So, witnesses have this cognitive dissonance that allows them to hold two diametrically opposed ideas at the same time and somehow claim that both are right. It is deceptive, not logical and I believe a lie. I used to cover this fact so that my message would be more acceptable to normal people. If witnesses were proud of the object of their faith, they should just come right out in the open and say Christ has given all of his authority to the WT leadership and to the anomynous ghost writers of the WT and then explain why they believe this. This of course would lead to an honest examination of WT history which is fraught with non-sense.

    One, we already KNOW that the Watchtower bible and tract Society lies and covers-up it's history.

    Two, as an ex-JW, you all of people should know that some worldly "apostate" christians are not even listened too. What is your goal in talking to Jws? If it is only to beat them down with your Jesus sword then you will get no where.

    Three, your issue is a problem in communication . Personally I could care less if you want to "preach" your Jesus to JWs, but do not be mislead into thinking that a Witness will listen to you unless you approach the matter in a FRIENDLY and informed manner. Do you recall some people when you went door to door and insulted you - told you that you were in a CULT? How did you react AT THAT TIME? Meet a WITNESS as they are, not as you are and you might actually get somewhere.

    And most importantly, you seem to be calling the everyday JW a liar when in reality it is the GOVERNING BODY through the Watchtower publications that teach lies. Most JWs have no idea that they are spreading lies so attack the SOURCE and NOT the person.


  • rockhound

    This quote should be direct enough

    "Transfer" device. I had in my hand the 12/1/1995 Watchtower. In the study article "Jehovah gives to the tired one power" para.14, (This article was picked a random.)

    To help us draw strength from his Word, Jehovah uses the faithful and discreet slave class to provide us with a steady flow of "food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) The faithful slave has long used the Watchtower and Awake! journals to defend Bible truth and proclaim God's Kingdom as man's only hope.
  • NoBorg

    She obviously has an unspoken agenda that the Borg is meeting for her. In that case it's much like the parents with high energy kids that keep going to Dr's until someone tells them there is something wrong with their kids and gives them the meds they knew all along they needed. < When actually they didn't, they are just high energy kids and they don't want to accept it.

    She is hearing what she wants to hear, and as long as that gets in the way of logic and reason there is nothing you can do about it. Best of luck to you.


  • Cygnus

    Ask what the third question during the baptism vows are. That ought to clear matters up sufficiently.

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