When is the "Memorial" this year? Will you attend? >>>>>>

by WingCommander 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    I went last year. I had only been inactive for about 6 months. I made sure my family knew though that I was going because of the occasion, not because of where it was. This year I will not go, and neither will Mrs. Kwin.


  • adelmaal

    Whoopee! I'm so glad it falls on my day with my daughter this year. I've decided I will allow her dad to take her to memorial on our day provided he commits to allowing us celebrate Christmas with her on his day. Sounds like a compromise to me. The door should swing both ways!

    Never in this lifetime will I attend another memorial.

  • mkr32208

    I dont' honestly know... I've been out for about 3 years but have never in my life missed the memorial... I'm an athnostic (my term!) now and if it wasnt' for family I would have stopped 3 years ago... It will hurt them that I'm not there though... decisions decisions...

    I couldnt' help notice last year that they went on and on about why the majority didn't partake I just wanted to scream don't you idiots realize that your saying one of two things either that Jesus sacrifice isnt' good enough for you or you don't want it now pick one and lets get the hell out of here! Even athnostics have their breaking point...

    We'll just have to see I guess!

  • TresHappy

    In accordance with my moniker, I say "jamais."

    Someone else posted this awhile back: "I'd rather stick a rusty fork in my eye."

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I have to attend to keep the peace. Otherwise, you wouldn't catch me there.


  • trevor

    By attending to the Jehovah?s Witnesses memorial we give credibility to archaic set up which excludes most of its members from sharing in the ?new covenant ? with Christ. A complete waste of time for those claiming to be Christians.

    I make no such so claim so the only thing worth attending for is a glass of good claret!

  • ScoobySnax

    Yes, will definately be attending. I don't think I could ever miss the Memorial, even if a do feel a twinge of hypocrisy. (because of MY actions the rest of the year) I'll go also because it is good to see some old friends too.


  • undercover
    I'll go also because it is good to see some old friends too.

    I used to list that as a reason to go, but every year that I go, the fewer the "friends" seem pleased to see me. Not all of them, there are a few (very few) who have remained fairly close even though I have become inactive.

    I remember going to a memorial after missing about 9 months of meetings. You would have thought that I had been on a long trip and just got back. Everybody was so friendly, nice and glad to see me. The next year, I got some unapproving glances from some and ignored by others while only my "closest" JW friends seemed glad to see me. Last year, the halls had been rearranged and my cronies were split up into different congregations. When I went to the memorial, I was pretty much an outcast except for family and one or two others. So now I go at the request of family and not to see "friends" anymore.

  • wednesday

    I will not be there this year. I did not attend last year either. I feel relieved not to go any longer. Last year I baked bread and bought wine and we had our own celebration where we DID partake.

    U know scobby, I have heard JWS say, I don't know why they even bother to attend the Memorial, who are they fooling? Do they think they will get life by doing this? etc Eventually u just end up being a memorial attender only and really no one cares except maybe your family. When u stop attending meeting, u are written off.

    I may be written off by jws, but I'm not by God.


  • AuntieJane

    THanks for the Memorial Education. I have always wondered just what this is all about, being a NWNWJW (never was never will be JW.)

    I esp loved Gopher's Memorial description, sniff sniff. LoL.

    Actually, what a very sad service...I suggest any Christian former JW's who have never attended a Lenten Service on Good Friday, sit in on that for comparison and education. I know a lot here don't ever want to step foot in any kind of church again, that is why I am suggesting those who consider themselves Christians attend.

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