Who Do You Think Really Knows That The Organization Is BullCrap???

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug
    its a tremendous ego boost especially if you are a janitor.

    That is so VERY funny.

    And in answer, I thing that the G-Body and Lawyers have to know. I am of the opinion that some of the elders do. I know of many elders that have left when they get over the thrill of being the popular janitor. It was too much corruption for them to take. There on they kind of float around, dissillusioned and we hear of the warning signs posted on those elders. Kind of like the "boogeyman will get ya." They never really fit after that and often become quite eccentric fellows.

  • wanderlustguy
    How so, how did they make so much money from it? Just out of interest.

    They own rent houses and/or sell cars. They rent these houses to the less fortunate people with no credit or understanding of how credit even works. It's reall simple, they buy a house for, lets say $10,000. Then they rent that same house for $250.00-350.00 per month, and after 10 years, the family owns the house. Same for a car except with payments. Since times do get tight, especially for a JW, it's just a matter of time before they have to miss a payment, then they have to move out or give the car back, then the cycle starts all over.

  • Outlawed
  • AlanF

    I totally agree with you, Blondie.

    I think that there's a full range of belief on the part of JWs all through the organization, from completely braindead true believers to completely cynical people who know that most all of it is bullcrap but stay for any number of reasons.

    Unfortunately, it seems that the head honcho in Brooklyn, GB member Ted Jaracz, is both a braindead true believer and a cynical dictator. I think the man is insane, because it appears that he truly thinks that he personally has been appointed by God to beat the JW community into line with his personal idea of what it ought to be, yet he will stop at nothing -- including lying, ruining JWs who get in his way, and just about every other unchristian, Pharisaical tactic you can think of -- to do "God's" will -- which is really just Jaracz's will. He seems unable to distinguish between himself and God.

    Also unfortunately, a majority of "Bethel heavies" are just about as braindead, and even though they know that Jaracz and a few others are nuts, continue to go along because they've accepted an old and little-known belief of the Watchtower's inner circle centered around the notion that "you must not touch the skirt of God's anointed". This includes other GB members. The idea is that a "mantle of power" has been passed down through various Watchtower leaders to the present day. This is modeled after Elijah's literally passing his mantle to Elishah. For some reason -- probably because Jaracz has an extremely strong personality and these men are weak -- they've concluded that God has appointed this strong but evil man to a position of power and given him "the mantle". But no matter what their inner beliefs, they know full well how dangerous it is to buck the man in power, and so they just go along, hoping that God will straighen it all out. So they've abandoned their supposed Christian principles in the hope that, despite what they see, God is behind the JW organization after all. There's more than a little self-deception going on here, though, motivated by a great deal of self-interest. They believe whatever it takes to keep them in power in Bethel.


  • franklin J
    franklin J


    Alan, your description of Jaracz personality fits the bill as a personality profile of every CEO in the American business world; paranoid and strong willed with the ability to eliminate anyone who gets in their way.

    I can see this in business with all of its financial rewards; but what kind of reward is there in the WT? Yes, I know they believe they have Jehovahs blessing, but that in itself does not seem like it is enough. Power and Control? Possibly.....

  • minimus

    Alan, are you saying this about Teddy because you KNOW or because you assume?

  • Gordy

    In my years as a JW, I have know brothers/sisters who basically don't believe half of what the WT puts out.

    Also I have known Elders show me from the Bible that Jesus was God.

    After I had left I ran into one Elder. I told him what I had learnt about the WT. That their teaching on Christ was totally wrong.

    He agreed and said he had accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour, a long time ago. That there was no two ways about it that Jesus is the only way to salvation not belong to some organisation. That he would have left long ago if it wasn't for his wife and family.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I'd say 50% of my actual congregation knows is BS, but they hang on because it is their only social structure. Others are old, sick and need a lot of help that the brothers and sisters provide. So where the heck are they really going to go?!

    The WTBTS is just a religious business and many of us inside know it, but for one reason or another we stay put.

    DY, of the "it could be worse" group.

  • IP_SEC
    , are you saying this about Teddy because you KNOW or because you assume?

    Not speaking for Alan, but I've met the man and that caulk sucker reminds me of every other CEO/GM I've ever known. He'sa arrogant, ass clown to the nth.

  • hopelesslystained

    Hi, I realize you don't know me as I have not introduced myself yet, I am still too paranoid and the thought of it brings up great anxiety. But! I will tell you from having had a run-in, head to head with mr almighty jaracz himself presiding in a triune meeting with me (he was our district o), I have to agree with Alan's description. My life, my mind, and any happiness I had ever experienced ended with him staring at me and demanding that I fall in line with whatever he said. sorry to intrude on this thread...

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