What Have You Learned From This Site?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Addiction, huh?? Maybe.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    I've learned that 20 years after 'fading away' how wounded I've been all along. This site is blessed therapy.

    I've also learned that other have been much more wounded ... and I'm grateful for this site, if only to help the recently freed know that there is life (A HAPPY LIFE) after the dubs ....


  • mamochan13

    I've learned plenty. This site is an excellent source of all kinds of info about jw's and I really appreciate the knowledgeable people here who take time to share their research. It has also made me realize that there are many who are still struggling to get out - I'm glad there is a place like this where support can be given and received. This site is reinforcing, helps me know that I've made the right decision.

  • ezekiel3

    I've learned that Minimus has more questions then answers


    I've learned the secret language of the WT publications (thanks Blondie!); the indisputable facts about the UN scandal; that JWs are the only group to believe in 607 - in essence the concrete reality hidden from me while "in the bubble."

    And one thing that the WTS and JWD agree on (as heard from a District Convention): "Not many have survived the chat rooms!"

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I've learned that we're not the apostates.....that the WT-BATS is merely an earthling man-created publishing company, masquerading as a god while utilizing its members for slave labor, casting them off when they're no longer "usable" and casting them out when they "wake up and smell the coffee" or even LOOK like they might be wakening......and the truths I've learned here actually "set me free."

    Thank you one and all!!!



  • JAVA

    I've been out of the Tower for nearly 20 years (where does the time go), and linked up with some of the groups when the Internet was new. I see a few of the old timers on this wonderful site. I keep up with what's going on in the Tower, and pleased this site helps exiting JWs know "the Truth" about the Tower, and their shared experiences.

  • gumby

    I remember a long time ago when Englishman made a post about how cod liver oil helps you go poop. I've been a happy camper ever since.


  • stopthepain

    this site has helped me in alot of ways.Emotional healing,new ideas,different opinions,news on the troof.I love it.

  • alias

    That people are people... in or out of the org.

    That people working together accomplish things... in or out of the org.

    and a whole lotta other human nature things...


  • lv4fer

    This site really helped me to realize I wasn't alone. When you are a JW and you start questioning your beliefs you have no one to turn to really. You can't discuss your feeling with another friend which would be a JW and you can't discuss your feelings with a non JW because they don't understand.

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