Please say hi to my 6 year old...this is his first post.

by FreedomFrog 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Hi Zach, I'm still pretty new around here too but I think you'll like it, I know I have.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Hi, Zach! And, happy birthday to you! I'm sending you lots and lots of virtual cake and candy for your birthday, so that you can have a virtual sugar high and bounce all off the walls in here!

    You can take anything you want, and there is a bid candy kiss for you too!


  • FreedomFrog

    hee hee hee thats ok:from Zach

  • calamityjane

    Now I've gone and started somethin. Here come the birthday greetings.

    Zach will see how we can de-rail a thread real fast, and go wild and crazy.

  • FreedomFrog

    Actually, he's sitting here laughing and saying "but it's not my birthday".

    Thanks guys for making this fun for him. I can't keep him still from excitement.

    btw- I'm counting this against his "language" time for school since we homeschool him.

  • Xena

    aaahh Zach you are so sweet

    I will show this thread to Bubbles when I get home tonight, I'm sure she will want to say "thank you" for the nice birthday song too.

  • pr_capone

    Hello Zach! Welcome to the forum. I am very glad to meet you, my little brother is 11 years old so he is a little older than ou right now. :D

    I have enjoyed reading your posts so far, hope to see you around some more! :D

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • jeanniebeanz


    My son is 6 too. He thinks a lot of things are funny that I don't, like burps and stuff that make me growl at him. He really likes pokemon and power rangers and transformers. We all love Sponge Bob, and he is bugging me for a gameboy but they cost too much.

    He likes to learn, and his favorite is math. What's yours?

    He likes to make meow noises at Johnny Cat and get him yowling. Then Johnny Cat will get tired of it and take a swipe at him with his claws, and my son will giggle and run away.

    He always buggs me for a sip of my coffee in the morning and then pretends to gag. Do you play games like that with your momma?


  • whyamihere

    Hi Zach and Welcome!



  • prophesariah

    Hi Zach,

    Welcome to the board. My son is 15, that is quite a bit older than you. However, my granddaughter just turned 7 yesterday. She loves to play computer games for kids, bike riding, and roller skating. What do you like to do? Do you like to read? What is your favorite book to read all by yourself ? I'll be looking out for your response.

    Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!

    You made your first post today.

    Happy Birthday Bubbles!

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