Pioneerers can count up to 25 hours for taking special language

by DaCheech 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    in a new york bethel minute writes:

    i find it funny how you can count this time ONLY if you are a pioneer.

    Mary writes:

    You wanna hear one even better than that? I knew a pioneer who would go to Bethel in the summertime to pick their fucking vegetables---and guess what? You could could that as "time" on your Service Report!!! I'm not sure if this just applies to pioneers, or the average publisher, but I was stunned when she told me you could count this as time.......ya, picking vegetables and preaching........I can't see the difference, can YOU see the difference?

    They have been giving Pioneers? and Special Pioneers? "bonuses" like this for ages. Pioneers? and Special Pioneers? have been allowed to count Field Service Hours? whenever they Volunteered? at Circuit Assemblies? and District Conventions? - do you think the Pioneers? would have been Volunteers? any other way??

    Many years ago, one of my JW relatives (not a pioneer) was required to spend an entire week in preparation for testifying in court for the child custody hearing of an unbaptized young woman. Two Special Pioneers? were also included in this court preparation week, and it was all being done at the Kingdom Hall. The WT legal people who were there for this purpose advised the Special Pioneers that they could count the time on their Field Service Report?, but the Publishers? were specifically told that they couldn't do the same. What's totally ironic about this example is that all of them were being trained in the art of perjury Theocratic War Strategy?.

    They were being taught what to say in the event that a judge asked them if JW children are allowed to participate in extracurricular activities (Why, yes, of course!) or whether JWs really taught that Satan the Devil was the ruler of the world (No, we do not).

    This particular incident was one of the first things that started bothering me about The Truth? on several levels.

    Love, Scully

  • diamondblue1974

    Why shouldnt they....if they can in all good conscience sit in a cafe and count their hours why not on a theocratic self promoting training course????

    Stinks doesnt it?

  • stillajwexelder

    This is nothing new -this was announced when I was an elder - been around for about 8 years or so I think

  • lawrence

    So... if I start speaking in tongues of men, will I get a full year's pioneering credit. And if I speak in 4 languages will I get a Special Pioneer's credits and receive free literature to distribute?

  • cyber-sista

    I remember one sister taking care of her dying mother (mother not a JW) who lamented that she could not count the time she took care of her, because she felt she was doing a good work and she was upset because she was not getting much field service time in because she was so exhausted being a caretaker and this made her feel guilty. But I suppose the Org considers picking vegetables for the Org more worthwhile than caring for your dying mother.

    Funny that these stats show up in the hours preached world wide--picking vegetables is a far stretch from preaching in my book.


  • Euphemism

    Okay, just to play Devil's Advocate here for a little bit... this is actually reasonable. Technically, the hours counted for classes, construction work, etc. are not 'field service time' and are not added into the annual report. Instead, they're credits that count against the pioneer's 840 hr/year requirement. Regular publishers don't need credit because they don't have a quota to meet. But the elders are still supposed to take this comp time into account when considering whether a 'brother' qualifies for 'privileges'.

    That said, this just goes to show that the whole business of counting time is ridiculous; why don't the Witnesses receive 'credit' for time they spend visiting the sick or elderly, cleaning the Kingdom Hall, etc? Like Alan said, it's become a meaningless ritual.

  • the_classicist
    They have been giving Pioneers? and Special Pioneers? "bonuses" like this for ages. Pioneers? and Special Pioneers? have been allowed to count Field Service Hours? whenever they Volunteered? at Circuit Assemblies? and District Conventions? - do you think the Pioneers? would have been Volunteers? any other way??

    Makes you wonder how much time is actually spent "preaching," especially considering that the main hour earners are the "Pioneers." Include lunch and coffee breaks and how much is left?

    Well, anyway, less JWs in FS = good thing.

  • pepheuga

    i wonder if this is a tacit admission that the only viable market for their product is the "developing" world.


  • rebel8

    It is fascinating to me that they haven't done away with the archaic cult-like requirement to report one's time! The entire premise of it is to allow humans to police the dubs, instead of letting the big J worry about who's worthy of salvation.

  • cyber-sista

    An elder once tried to explain why we it is necessary for JWs to count time. He said that Jehovah's knows our weaknesses as humans and if we didn't have to count time many JWs would not go out in field service much. (He said personally that is how it would be with himself) AND since it is a requirement for JWs to go out in service this arrangement has been made by Jehovah to motivate us to accomplish his work....Now there's some good WT logic for you.


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