
by tattoogrl333 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • tattoogrl333

    Last time I checked I was from earth also. I did not say it was acceptable. I merely meant that she was honest with there rules which are obviously strict but they are rules and that is what they believed. I thought from reading posts that they never told you that if you were disfellowshipped you would be treated differently. She pointed out in the bible today that Jehovah must come first before family and friends, I take it that is why they have this postition. Whether I agree or not I don't know I see both sides. which is why I have been confused. Obviously I have not had anyone be disfellowshipped and put in that position.
    as for my tats I have a dragon on my right upper arm, geisha in front of waves on my left arm, dragon on my wrist, dragon on my upper back, sun on my lower back, and one on my ankle. They are very large and colorful so if they think I can get them removed they are crazy.

    I have not picked up Franz's book but have Reasoning from the scriptures with the Jehovah witnesses, and 30 years a watchtower slave. But have found that the first book I mentioned doesn't seem to be written by someone who has any clue to what JW preach I haven't started the other one yet and I will be sure to pick up Franz book.

  • NameWithheld

    Here's one more thing:

    If you are attracted to the social aspect try and say you don't want to study anymore but would like to keep associated with them (her and her daughter?). She what happens. You are still you (same person) but they will want nothing to do with if you don't constantly progress towards joining the religion.

  • Introspection

    Ask them if this verse from the bible still has any relevance:

    *** Rbi8 Leviticus 19:28 ***
    28 ¡§¡¥And YOU must not make cuts in YOUR flesh for a deceased soul, and YOU must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah.

  • fodeja


    My favorite page is called "Become a JW and you can't.." I've pasted it here for you

    I'd like to add for tattoogirl that some of those rules are not enforced strictly in every cong (for instance, celebrating New Year seems to be a completely normal thing in one cong I know, discussing politics is also OK, dating without supervision is accepted to some extent for those in very good standing). However, things like shunning and reporting wrongdoing to elders seem to be fundamental laws.


  • NameWithheld
    I thought from reading posts that they never told you that if you were disfellowshipped you would be treated differently. She pointed out in the bible today that Jehovah must come first before family and friends, I take it that is why they have this postition.

    Well, they cannot deny it if you ask them point blank, but trust me it's not something they will proudly announce to a new person either. I think it secretly ashames most of the honest/good hearted JW's and in fact know MANY JW's who break the 'talking to DF'ed' people rule IF THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT. Kind of like children hiding candy from mom and dad ...

    And as far as the bible's saying to put God/Jesus before family, that doesn't mean to cut family off either!

    as for my tats I have a dragon on my right upper arm, geisha in front of waves on my left arm, dragon on my wrist, dragon on my upper back, sun on my lower back, and one on my ankle. They are very large and colorful so if they think I can get them removed they are crazy.

    Sounds very cool! No, they'd probably not require to to remove them, since they are 'pre-existing' but they could possibly 'encourage' you to dress in clothing that would hide many/most or them when at meetings/preaching/etc.

  • Introspection

    Ask them to show you page 92 of the Young People Ask book. Someone here can scan the picture, but while there may not be a definite written rule about tattoos and the like, it is clearly discouraged and frowned upon.

  • tattoogrl333

    Ok, Maybe the vegetarian example wasn't the best. I stopped drinking once and wasn't cool enough to hang out with my friends, quit drugs, and couldn't even talk to my old buddies. Got tattoo's and had friends not want to be seen with me. Left home to college and parents decided not to be a part of my life. Maybe I'm just numb to the whole shunning thing. Since everyone seems to shun everyone at some point in time, however this Jw was at least honest in telling me it would happen. It seems to hurt more when you don't know.

  • LDH

    Agreeing with Name Withheld....

    One sister I know (poor) had many tattoos before becoming a JW. They told her the same lie, about 'It's OK etc etc etc.'

    She wasn't allowed to give meeting parts without a huge surgical bandaid covering her shoulder. So that is how she spent a small fortune. Buying bandaids.


    There are people on this board who have walked away from family relationships because they know the JW to be fraud. No one here can tell you the right thing to do. I was raised a witness, pio'd, df'd, re-instated, pio'd again, became inactive. I had no choice, I was brainwashed. If my daughter chose to be a JW I would respect her decision but I would die a thousand deaths, knowing how deeply this religion affects your whole life.

    Just do me one favor. Ask the JW studying with you to do the next several studies with just the Bible, and no JW literature. Most JW can't, because they rely on the literature to tell them what to believe.

    I won't post to this thread again, because it's your decision. But at least do some research on something that could change your life so drastically.


  • Introspection

    Tattoo, the thing is it isn't just a matter of shunning, I'm sure we can think of people we'd rather not have anything to do with. But the thing is it isn't your decision, someone else decides whether you're supposed to even talk to this person. It may turn out to be your best friend in the congregation. An announcement will be made and then boom, you'll be forbidden to talk to them.

  • tattoogrl333

    she gave me some jW lit in the beginning but when I ask a question she answers by using scripture. Not the book she gave me.

    By the way thank you to everyone that posted I really appreciate the information. I am in no way rushing into this and am not going to make any sort of decision for a while. I will continue to keep you all posted on my journey.

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