Quick help please! - Euthanizing our cat

by AlmostAtheist 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    **I scritched her for awhile,

    Dear AA and FF,

    Knowing what a softy I am I couldn't even bring myself to read this thread until now. In my 63 years of life, I have had all kinds of pets, and "lost it" every time one left us. Some of us do take it very hard.

    It made me smile when I read that you "scritched" her for a while, I don't know if it was a typo or not.....but that's the word that we use when one of our cats is on our lap, and is giving a "Brummie" expression when being scratched.

    I'm glad that you took her to the vet the way you did and how you handled your little ones. Very thoughtful and less traumatic. Well done.

    I'm sorry for your losses, both the bird and the cat. I'm sure they were both well loved and very happy in your home.



  • AlmostAtheist
    It made me smile when I read that you "scritched" her for a while, I don't know if it was a typo or not.....but that's the word that we use

    When I was a kid, I was a huge Peanuts fan. I had scores of Snoopy books and read and reread them. I remember one where somebody (Linus?) was scratching Snoopy, but he didn't like it. Another character said, "He doesn't like to be scratched, he likes to be scritched, like this." Then the character "scritched" Snoopy, indicated by the terms "scritch, scritch" over his head. He liked that.

    From then on, I've always "scritched" my pets. And now that you mention it, Kitty made the Brummie look when I did it. :-)

    I went downstairs for a drink just now, and heard her meow at me. (It turned out to be Gina playing with the baby in another room)


  • BrendaCloutier
    I went downstairs for a drink just now, and heard her meow at me.

    No. Kitty was there. She did meow at you. Probably just wanted to check out her house one last time.

    When I was living in a basement apartment of a nice home, the owner, who lived upstairs had a cockapoo named Chewie for Chewbaca. When Marge pulled into her parking spot, I knew she was home because I could hear Chewie's toenails scratching on the wood floors as she ran to the front door.

    One Saturday, Kev and I were just walking out of my door when I heard the familiar toenails on wood. I told Kevan that Marge must be home. He heard it too.

    We walked to the parking area where Marge was walking to her stairs and she told me she had some bad news, "Last night Chewie ran into the road and got hit, she had to be put to sleep". I was dumbfounded as I just heard her! All I could do was express my condolences and how much I liked her and how much she would be missed. I couldn't bring myself to tell her what we heard.

    We never heard her toenails on the floor after that one incident.


    Hugs and love to you both


  • calamityjane
    I went downstairs for a drink just now, and heard her meow at me.

    We never heard her toenails on the floor after that one incident.

    You guys are freakin me out


  • drwtsn32

    Ugh, this is difficult. We have had to euthanize two cats. In both cases they were suffering pretty badly; Bringing them home for a while would not have been an option.

  • Sunspot

    **From then on, I've always "scritched" my pets. And now that you mention it, Kitty made the Brummie look when I did it. :-)

    Thanks, AA! I didn't know about the "Peanuts" connection, but for some reason it made me feel good that you had spelled it that way on purpose.

    **No. Kitty was there. She did meow at you. Probably just wanted to check out her house one last time

    Brenda, this is so weird. We had a beautiful cat for 15 years, the gentlest, most loving and sweetest cat ever! After he died, I thought my hearing was going, cuz I'd hear him as clear as can be at various times throughout the day. Both my grandson and I thought we had actually seen him (for a moment) in the chair he always sat on. It was so strange and it stopped after a few weeks.

    What you said made me wonder.....


  • BrendaCloutier

    Annie, Calamity,

    I see no need to question or get freaked out by it. We don't know "exactly" what happens after death from this earthwalk. And openminded or not, these experiences do happen.

    Some can write if off as the mind playing tricks because of the emptiness left behind when the loved one leaves.

    But I've seen and heard "ghost cats" in a highrise hotel room, and had "ghost chickens" in a house I owned that was originally built over a chicken coop. AND I'm not the only one who experienced these things. Since others have experienced it with me, it wasn't a case of mind-tricks or schizophrenia. It just was.


  • FreedomFrog
    FreedomFrog, don't feel bad for not being there - I just couldn't do it when my 19 year old cat was put down.

    Thanks carefully faded, it's hard not to feel bad...but with just losing my favorite bird Cheeko, I just couldn't bring myself to go. I've been hurting so bad over my birds death that I didn't think I could take watching her go. I had decided that if AA couldn't have gone I would have gone so she wouldn't be alone.

    I wasn't there when Cheeko died at the vet hosp. (couldn't make it there in time) and I'm feeling terribly guilty that I wasn't there...she probably was thinking I gave her up because of her being sick. Though, if I could have I would have stayed at that hosp. over night with her. But I couldn't and that hurts.

    It's strange to not have Kitty here. We got her a year after we were married. I believe she was about 3 weeks old (this will be 14 years of marriage for us). She was "wild" but very sweet. We couldn't come up with a name so we just started calling her "Kitty". I remember one night she was "attacking" us in a playful manner but was a tad rough. I pointed at her and said "no" at the same time Dave push her away with his foot (she didn't see him do it) and she slipped off the bed. She got up and looked at me with this confused look as if to say "you just pointed at me...HOW in the heck did you knock me off the bed???" You know, come to think of it, she liked Dave best from then on.

    I also have "heard" her in the kitchen now a couple of times. I've heard her "jump" on the counter and back off (I must be going crazy). I've also heard her "meowing" for her food. This morning I went to get her food because I heard her and then remembered that she's not here.


  • Beachbender
  • Sunspot

    **I see no need to question or get freaked out by it. We don't know "exactly" what happens after death from this earthwalk. And openminded or not, these experiences do happen.

    Hi Brenda,

    I'm not freaked out by these things, but just trying to see what feels comfortable to me, is all. Actually, I think it' kinda nice to see it this way. I agree with the "not knowing" of what I should like to think---are the most basic of life's events! It intrigues me. A lot.



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