Bible Prophecy of 9/11

by AshtonCA 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AshtonCA
    Ps. Get your mom some medical help she sounds mildly schizoprenic

    Don't you think that those in the bible who spoke with God were thought to be "crazy' as well? Look at the persecution Jesus went through.

    I should have known it was a bad idea to bring this up, I thought this board was supposed to be a safe place to talk about our beliefs, I didn't realize I was going to be called crazy and in need of therapy.

    I think I will not be posting anything else for fear of being called crazy. You'd think I'd have thicker skin what with all of the years of persecution my family went through about my mother from the elders in the congregation who didn't feel she was worthy of being "anointed". She was actually told that she was a nobody, that there was no way SHE was chosen over Mr. Elder or whomever.


  • AshtonCA
    And what if they are crazy? Shouldn't we encourage them to get real medical help rather than indulging them in their fantasies?

    We had a friend who was schitzophrenic and I know what it is and what it looks like, and that is not my mother. If we thought for a moment my mother was loopy, we'd take care of the matter, but we don't.

    As I said, I am sorry I brought it up. I will not be doing this again, I will not be posting any longer. If I could, I'd remove this whole thread. It's a shame one can't post their beliefs without getting called crazy. But like I said, it isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.


  • AshtonCA

    ... While your getting your mom checked you might want to just let the doc's take a quick one over on you too...

    I'm not saying this to be insulting I swear I'm not but this type of thing is just not normal...

    So, I guess Jesus wasn't normal, or any person in the bible who spoke their beliefs and were ridiculed for them as well. Yes, I am insulted by your comment. I would never call you crazy for your beliefs, it is what makes you you!

    You don't know me, you don't know my mother. You don't know the persecution our family has been through from the organization. I have had my own "best friend" tell me my mother was crazy because she thought she was going to heaven. I said do you believe brother so and so when he says he is? she said yes! I said why then can't you believe my mother feels she is? there was no answer given.

    I can only assume if you feel my mother is crazy then you must be the same type to believe Moses, or Noah, or any other person in the bible who spoke with God was crazy. Where is your faith? Why cant' modern day people also speak with God? Why is it only those in the bible are allowed that distinction? I am offended by people who automatically pull out the nutsoid card whenever someone of faith experiences what is felt to be "abnormal."

    I am sorry if I sound ticked off, but I am ticked off. I am mad because most of the people on this board know what it is like to be persecuted being that they came from the org and now some of you are still persecuting others by calling them crazy for their beliefs.

    Thank you ever so much for making me feel welcome here. I am done!


  • stillajwexelder

    I swaer to you all - I truly mean it -somebody make a prophecy show it in the bible BEFORE it happens -and then when it occurs -I wil ldrop my pants and run anked around The Plaza in Kansas City - al lthese people alwys say things after the event - any dickhead can do that - I predicted that The Soviet Union would beat america into space and I can prove it from the bible

  • fairchild
    I am sorry if I sound ticked off, but I am ticked off. I am mad because most of the people on this board know what it is like to be persecuted being that they came from the org and now some of you are still persecuting others by calling them crazy for their beliefs.

    Thank you ever so much for making me feel welcome here. I am done!

    Hi Ashton,

    I read through the posts and just want to say I am sorry. Personally, I have never believed that God all of a sudden stopped communicating with people. There are countless examples of people in history who said that they have communicated with God. Were they taken seriously, or were they laughed at? Right, they were laughed at. Although many did turn out to be fakes and had their 15 minutes of fame, I believe in at least one person who 'saw' something. If you are not familiar with Bernadette of Lourdes, then look it up on the internet. If not, I can send you a couple of links. I visited Lourdes when I was young and it left an impression on my soul for the rest of my life.

    There is no way for me personally, or for anyone else, to know for a fact that your mom's experiences are true experiences or a product of the imagination. Therefore, I prefer to keep an open mind.

    You have my support and I hope you stay, because I enjoy your posts (and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better). People react in different ways, and I can understand the unbelief and the suspicion when a post like this one appears on the board. Please don't feel disappointed. Just ask yourself what you can learn from this, keep the positive comments in mind and forget the ones that hurt you.

    Hugs and good luck.

  • mkr32208
    So, I guess Jesus wasn't normal, or any person in the bible who spoke their beliefs and were ridiculed for them as well

    Yup, he was loony as a loon!

    Here's the facts! If your truely getting radio direct from god then there is no danger in going to a doctor right? If on the other hand you take some prozac and the signals stop they you weren't a prophet were you! I wasn't being insulting if you want to see me being insulting look at the things I say to brownhole!

    For crying out f*cking loud I am so tired of delusional dingbats jumping out of the woodwork and saying "I'm a prophet and don't you dare question me" prophets tell whats gonna happen your not much of a prophet to try to tell me something happened AFTER the fact!

  • AshtonCA
    For crying out f*cking loud I am so tired of delusional dingbats jumping out of the woodwork and saying "I'm a prophet and don't you dare question me" prophets tell whats gonna happen your not much of a prophet to try to tell me something happened AFTER the fact!

    I never said I was a prophet. It's kind of hard to discuss the events of 9/11 beforehand because I didn't know about this site then. Believe me, we read for years about what we thought was going to happen, we talked about it amongst ourselves and a few friends, you know why we never said anything? because of people like you who do nothing but bash people with a religious belief. You get your kicks out of belittling people. People like you make me sick! You have nothing better to do than to make people feel bad about themselves!

    I am not a dingbat, I simply was trying to make conversation about my experience. I was wondering if anyone else had read that and gotten what we got, but I guess I shouldn't do that, I guess discussing the past events that happened and how interesting it is to see that they were in the bible is not something people like you want to do here.

    I also never said don't question me, you are putting mean and nasty words into my mouth. Were you one of JW's, or are you just some nasty person who does nothing but slam people with a religious viewpoint?

    You know, I felt comfortable here because I thought that I had finally found people who had been where I had come from, I thought y'all would understand, but I forgot, not all of you are nice, some of you are mean and I don't need this kind of ridicule. It never dawned on me that I would have to defend myself against such nastiness.


  • City Fan
    City Fan


    I fail to see how you've shown that 911 was prophecied at all in the bible. You've quoted 2 bible chapters about the ancient Assyrians and Greeks. How can these be about 911?

  • mkr32208

    oh piss off ashton! YOU said that your mother is getting direct communication from god and hears voices and you are convinced that she's getting this sh*t from god! All I said was maybe you should get it checked out! If you do and nothing changes THEN start bragging about being gods only channel but this sounds like a mental illness to me!

    The scriptures you quoted were all inane nonsense! There was NOTHING in there about the world trade center so what were we suppose to say? "No, its not interesting?" Then you would have gotten your little feeler hurt about that! At what point do you say... "Hummm no that does not make since and spending 16 hrs a day poring over a book and hearing voices in NOT ok and is NOT healthy and maybe we should nip off to the doctors for a bit?!" Your mom is SICK and you are an inabler! Take her to the freaking doctor and see if there's something wrong like a good child!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Thousands of children have been born on September 11. Yours was in 2004? I anticipate there will be thousands more children born this coming September 11 and in the years to come.

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