2004 Numbers are on WT web site it looks like.

by garybuss 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    That is the first thing I noticed that they did not compare the 2004 stats with the 2003 stats. To my knowledge they have always compared previous years stats.


  • steve2

    Isn't Denmark doing well? Twenty years of bloody hard slog, if you ask me!

    Year Peak Average Baptisms Pioneers No. of congs Memorial

    1984 14,337 13,903 391 790 234 23,539

    2004 14,442 14,309 201 1093 205 22,539

  • zealofjehu

    yea but who knows if these numbers are even correct they could be even worse. i had an elder tell me once that even thought i was disf my devotion to jehovah was still intact. that being the case whats to stop them from adding all of us in too saying once a dub always a dub. who knows we may already be in those numbers.

  • garybuss

    ?We do not want to be assisting and encouraging new ones to come in, so to speak, through the front door, while our children go out through the back door as they reach the teen years.? (Pay Attention 1979 p.119 Unit 7b)

  • Gill

    As our children ran out the back door, we followed.

    Thanks Kids!

  • moshe

    I wondered how many annointed were left lately - looks like almost the same as in 1985. I did some research about their death rates in 1985. I called an actuary and asked his help. I gave him a starting number from about 1935 yearbook and estimated their ages on the young side. With that info, the actuary told me that with normal death rates about 3000 should still be alive- not 8500! I wrote the WTBS`asking why these firgures indicate a mass falling away of the faithful-and if Jehovah was so all-knowing, why he would pick so many losers. That letter REALLY put me on their radarscope- the star chamber was convened and I was summoned. Any idle talk of this was disloyal-yada-yada- severe consequences-yada-yada-yada. Due to family ties I shut up- well,for a couple years anyway.



  • garybuss

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave is apparently not very faithful OR discreet.

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