I hear this crap all the time!

by Schizm 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • DHL
    false teaching that the soul is immortal

    Schizm, I just wonder, do you have any proof of that? Did you talk to the deads? Did one come back to inform you?

    As far as I know, no one knows at all what will happen after death. Maybe we will just deliver good food for maggots, maybe immortal parts of us go to heaven, hell, to another existence or.... . Who knows! Do you know more than me? I'd love to know! Share your wisdom, please!

    Love and peace


  • Pole


    There is no sense in anyone arguing with you, since you're dead set against the WTS and anyone that holds to anything it teaches.



  • AlmostAtheist


    Are you accusing me of apostasy?

    Oh yeah, well, you're a stink-butt!

    Dave of the 'Free Beer For Every Apostate And Stink-butt' class

  • LittleToe

    Still trying to create schizms, eh, Schizm?

    PS to Will Power: You're simply full of BS.

    That's a common risk associated with discussing things with folks of a similar bent.

    Unlike Leo, I won't waste two hours typing a response. I'll simply state that I agree with her.

  • jgnat

    The only experts on our eternal reward are the ones who have obtained it. All the rest is best-guess.

    Even for bible-believers, they have to believe such a place exists. The only dispute, then, is who gets to go there? As far as I know, no-one on earth has been declared righteous enough to open the seal on the lamb's book of life. So we still remain with best-guess. Shizm, you cannot say for sure who isn't going.

    <---------------- wants to be declared full of BS, too. I want to join that fine company.

    Rev 21:23-25

    (Darby)And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should shine for it; for the glory of God has enlightened it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb. And the nations shall walk by its light; and the kings of the earth bring their glory to it. And its gates shall not be shut at all by day, for night shall not be there.

  • kwintestal
    The resurrection is about restoring LIFE to the individual, Dave. Of course you won't be, but even if you were brought back having 10 fingers on each hand it would still be YOU, the individual, that will have been brought back to life.

    I believe the term for that is reincarnation. Is that what you are saying the JW's believe in?

    Let's see, reincarnation is defined as, "is the rebirth in another body (after physical death), of some critical part of a person's personality or spirit." The "resurection" sounds more like reincarnation to me!


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    thank you (((jgnat)))

    I am not a JW (thank GOD, but sometimes I like to post as if ... so that their reasonings can be seen for the Bible Book Study that it is. !

    kwin - isn't the JW view more like re-creation? makes sense if "and look, all things are new" chpt:vers

    another view:

    Since arguments all come from what that book the bible says - doesn't it say early on that man was created in "our" image? (The gods talking "in the beginning" - The big architect G and that lesser worker god with the little g - from John 1:1) If God is a spirit and the other god is an angel, both are invisible and can't beseen with the human eye unless you die - well - what does that say about what we are? - according to the bible of course - the one that says there is 1 true god all others are false and will perish (Jer 1). Yeah, that book.

    wp of the Botchtower Sucks class

    P.S.Melba's ring sounds more believable - gonoreha anyone?

  • outoftheorg

    Is there life after death?? Or is there not??

    Do we have a soul?? Or do we not??

    No one can prove these questions one way or the other.

    Do we or do we not? No one knows.

    There is no proof one way or the other.

    Of course we can believe and often do believe the unprovable.


  • Preston

    God I love those Mariachi horns....

    - Preston

  • Leolaia

    City Fan....I try to do that a lot, but I got caught up in writing it (as I found some good Hellenistic sources that shed light on expressions in Paul and 2 Peter on the subject of leaving the body at death), and I was sooo close to finishing and just wanted to insert a comment to AlmostAtheist about not confusing the biblical belief in the resurrection with the Society's mongrel "recreation" doctrine when the silly puter crashed. I will have to save the posts as I'm writing them more often, I guess, tho it's a pain because I have to save them in HTML format (otherwise the formatting of the Word or Wordpad gets inserted into the text).

    Rather than try to reconstruct what I just wrote, I think I'll start start a separate thread on death, the afterlife, and immortality in the Bible instead, but prolly not anytime right away. Meanwhile, I'll just ask Schizm to explain 2 Corinthians 5:1-9, 12:2-4, Philippians 1:21-24, and 2 Peter 1:13-14, particularly how does one "depart" the body or go "out of the body" if the person is just an animated body, and especially the implication in 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 that Christians go to heaven to "be with the Lord" right at death, since one is "in the body absent from the Lord" during life while at death one is "absent from the body and with the Lord". There's more....the metaphor of the "tent" that Paul and the author of 2 Peter uses is commonplace in Hellenistic writings to refer to the body as the recepticle of the soul (cf. Democritus, Sextus the Pythagorean, etc.), and strongly suggests influence from Hellenistic philosophy -- tho Paul still refrains from using the word psukhé "soul" (which refers to the whole person, as it does in Hellenistic gnosticism, which instead uses the word pneuma to refer to the immortal divine spark inside people) and appears to hold to a form of conditional immortality (through the resurrection, which is a gift of God) rather than the inherent immortality of Platonism. Anyway, I think Merle had sufficient reason to expect what she expected from the Bible, which of course as a disparate collection of writings embraces a multiplicity of anthropologies and beliefs about personal eschatology.

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