Can You Spot A Jehovah's Witness???

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • ko38

    Yup,easily. 4 door car 4 people dressed up cruising aimlessly in a neighborhood for 20 minutes before they all get out with briefcases.

  • helios

    Yes, at least when they are going door to door.

    They always walk at half speed. Strange thing that. Here we are in the last days and there is a vital need to preach the good news as rapidly as can be and they just crawl along. I am sure I once saw a gaggle of witnesses actually walking backwards.

  • Elsewhere

    When they are out pedaling their rags I can spot them two blocks away because they look very different from other preaching religions:

    • Cheap suit
    • White shirt, dark pants
    • No name tag
    • Hand-held book bag (no backpack)
    • Walking really sloooooooooooow.
    • Looking like a salesman but never approaching anyone... instead waiting for people to come to them.
    • Two or three walking together or one standing alone at a corner holding the rags up for everyone to see.
  • TresHappy

    Sometimes, like the obvious ones listed. It's mostly verbal for me though. I tell them I am an ex JW and they usually leave me alone in haste!

  • diamondblue1974

    just go to the nearest coffee bar or cafe on a saturday morning at about 10.30 and you will find them.

    Either that look for an encyclopedia britanicca salesmen...if he or she lingers on an empty doorstep for longer than a minute then they are JW, probably of the pioneer variety...quite a common specimen apparently.

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    I agree with a lot of what has already been said above. But then, there are times, when none of the above clues is present, and I just know. I can't explain it, I can just feel/sense it. One time I was with some friends getting gasoline - saw a car load of people on a Saturday morning. Even before I could see that they were dressed "up", I knew they were witnesses - just from their faces. Then as I got closer, I saw the dresses and suits, and then finally the literature. But I knew before any visible clues.

    - CF

  • lonelysheep

    Yes, in addition to what has previously been mentioned.

    A little over a year ago, I went to a lookout I frequent here in north jersey that is now a Sept.11 memorial. You can see the nyc skyline of lower manhattan. There was a couple with their teenage daughter standing next to me. He started telling them, "Imagine what paradise will be like in the new system," and they had smiles on their faces. I immediately knew, and told my husband that they are jw's.

  • lonelysheep

    I can spot a mormon, too. Usually because they go out in two's (only men), have on the same pants, same white shirt with a tie and no jacket, their bible...and most of all, walk through the roughest parts of newark,nj and surrounding areas that I wouldn't even walk in...and act like ain't shit ever going to happen to them!

  • ezekiel3

    Hum a "kingdom song" if you are wondering. Their ears will twitch.

  • minimus

    We're Jehovah's Witnesses....We speak out in fearlessness....Ours is the God of true proph ecyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......

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