Ex JW now evangelical. My wife and I left the cult in 1973 following a study of ROMANS. We became convinced a personl relationship with the Lord Jesus was the key to salvation and we had no need of any mythical 'anointed ones'as spiritual go-betweens. It should be noted this was the central issue that started the Reformation. The WTS is very much modeled on the RC church in this regard.Luther reasoned in the priestly nature of each true beleiver. We have no need of any group of men. Jesus alone is our bridge and link to the Father. Prior to our spiritual awakening I undertook a long and detailed study of the history of the WTS. Including the reading of all 7 volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and WATCHTOWER REPRINTS going back to the first publication. I found a veriable quagmire of cover-ups and contradictions, if not lying. I have written several articles and lectured on the subject of cults. My key hobby is Egyptology and I try to visit the country on a regular visit and take small groups of individuals, mainly fellow Christians who wish to come. Needless to say my study of ancient Egypt has brought me into some contact with the Babylonian Empire and the chronology surrounding the fall of Jerusalem. As the activities of the early world empires are interlinked. I find the idea of Jerusalem falling in 607BC total rubbish.