Sad Today

by whyamihere 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    (((Brook))) Well I can understand why you feel so lonely and all !!! ... the life you described looks like just being used ... Stop being available for everybody but you ... if you are too nice and if you don't tell people just think that everything is ok ... there is a time to say HEY HO A'M JUST A SOFA OR WHAT ??? ... I'm not telling you to get in trouble with your husband or anything, I just feel like you should think about you way more (that's not selfish - that's having a place, means being an actor in YOUR life) - or you are ready at 24 for depression ...

    you have a place in life and it's not only being a wife and a mother/householder ... find your own hobbies ...

    Well the first step to feel alive that everyboy will appreciate is to take care of yourself basically what please most of women : bubble bath / clothes / fitness = you'll meet people / new hairdress / massage / ... just example cause for instance I'm not into half of that but other things (like some computing application that makes me creative, and even usefull with that) ... everything else might come along ... More you think about you, more you'll get a chance to find out what will please you and make you feel ALIVE !

    Take care ...

  • bem

    ((((((Brooke))))) I hope your getting the comfort you need. I'll PM you.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    And b.t.w. I think anyone would be proud to call you a friend, you ARE very funny and fun to be around!

    That's the truest thing I've heard all day!

    I'm so proud to have you as a friend that I start threads in your honor!!

    Love you, Brooke!!!

  • orangefatcat

    Dear Brooke,.

    I was so overwhelmed by your story that I am sitting here trying to think why I am so very lucky to have the life I do. But I can tell you it took some doing.

    It sounds to me that your sadness is in a state of alert. You need help and the first step you took today to make an apointment was great. Knowing your unhappy and sad is the first step to fixing it. So many have offered you such excellent advise. I myself can speak from personal experiences that once you start pouring out your heart to the doctor you will begin to feel better, Crying releases the stress and is good for you. I wish I had a magic pill to take your sadness away.

    I also wished I lived in your area, so that we could talk and do things together. I love doing hobbies to keep my mind healthy. I love scrapbooking, swimming and animals. I know with hubby being away so much and you are alone with the kids, how about a neighbour you trust to watch the kids and you go out and spend some money on yourself or go to a movie or a stroll through the park. Even being a volunteer at a nursing home or chronic care facility would bring such comfort to seniors who many have no one to talk to or care for them. Reading or just chatting about life helps you and them. I was a volunteer for many years and it was one of the most rewarding things for my mental health. I spent several years in therapy and I can tell you that it was the best thing I ever did. I got out a lot of pain and unhappiness. I see several have offered to chat with you and it seems that Nancy is your friend who lives by you.

    I love how she is telling you that you are loved and how she cares for you and so do I and all who have posted here care so much for you too.

    Don't beat yourself up for having told us about your being sad, It seems several ex jw experience the same things in their lives.

    How about a nice warm bubble bath and a glass of your favourite beverage and curl up with a good book or watch an old classic picture thats going to make you cry because it has a wonderful ending.

    I see a wonderful ending happening to you. Your funny and loving and it seems you do exactly the same things I did. I made everyone else laugh but I was crying in my heart. Soon you'll have everyone laughing and you'll be laughing too not crying inside or sad inside.

    I wish I could reach over there and give you a huge hug and a kiss but I hope this will do the trick.

    All my love Orangefatcat

  • whyamihere

    Thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It has been a really hard week for me. There is so many things that are going good and bad. I love my Husband and my kids so much its hard to think of myself. I just wished I didn't miss out on so many things. I have nightmares thinking of what could have been. I don't want to loose what I have and thats why I am reaching out to better myself.

    I know what I have to do it was just hard making that first step of getting help. I don't really have anyone to help me watch my kids. The only help I have is those who tell me it will get better if I went back to meetings. I know in my heart that its so wrong teaching my kids to be hateful and think that they are better than everyone else. By going back I would be doing that.

    I am just so confused and don't know where to begin. I think I am a great mother because my kids are happy. Everyone tells me my kids look so happy and thats what keeps me going.


  • bebu


    My mom had the same problem as you, I think. She had 5 rambunctious kids by the time she was 26, and my dad was gone a lot. He taught school, then did all kinds of other things to earn extra cash: gave private music lessons, played "dance jobs" on weekend nights and was choir director. Then, he also went bowling once a week. My mom started to fall apart after a while--this was before the age of disposable diapers, dishwashers, and a second car, you see, and she was like a prisoner in the house. Oh, and this was when the "ideal" housewife was June Cleaver.

    She nearly broke down, but instead she told my dad that he HAD to give up some of the evening things for the sake of her sanity. My dad had had no idea that she was in such distress! He gave up directing choir, bowling, and cut back on the lessons. He decided to work harder to help her out around the house. Things vastly improved. He didn't make her feel guilty for having needs; because he really loved her he was happy to meet her needs.

    It is NOT selfish to need help--parents come in pairs for a reason. Your primary role is not maid or nanny, it is to be a wife in a healthy marriage. Your whole family's health relies on the health of your marriage. So, your taking a step to call for an appointment is a major investment that will pay off!

    I personally understand how hard it is to find/afford babysitters. Now that 2 of my children are older, things are a little easier... but now I'm used to staying home! (Well, maybe I can't really say that...) The best thing is to find other moms like yourself, with 1-2 kids. You can have a great time socializing with the moms, and you can switch babysitting, too. They know where you're coming from, and they can make great friends!!!!!!!


  • frenchbabyface

    I am just so confused and don't know where to begin. I think I am a great mother because my kids are happy. Everyone tells me my kids look so happy and thats what keeps me going.

    Well that's BIG ALREADY to feel good about yourself ... and maybe it's not about working on yourself (did anybody told you you were bad or something - and even so what do they know for real about you - just be coherent with all the love you can for others AND YOURSELF TOO) maybe it's just about working on your life (being an actor into it but also for yourself, not only for the kids and your husband) - to stand that you would have to be more than strong. It's just self destruction to forget about yourself.

  • bebu

    ...I wanted to let you know that you have a pm!


  • prophecor

    Hi Why am I here. Its OK to be sad.

  • prophecor

    For a little while
    We know what heartache is
    And we feel the pain the world can sometimes bring
    For a while
    We cry in the night
    Without a single song to sing
    But one day all will change
    There'll be no more stormy rain
    Then at last we will rest forevermore

    So if you're in the valley
    And life is so unkind
    And, if the tears keep falling
    From your tired eyes
    If burdens seem so heavy
    And it's hard to smile
    Then just remember
    It's only for a while

    For a little while
    You lose someone you love
    And miss the times together that you shared
    For a little while
    You feel all alone and scared
    With no one there to hold
    Oh, the nights get long and cold
    But it won't last
    It will pass in time

    So if you're in the valley
    And life is so unkind
    And if the tears keep falling
    From your tired eyes
    If burdens seem so heavy
    If it's hard to smile
    Then just remember
    It's only for a while

    Why am I Here, this is one of my favorite songs by Anita Baker. It can hurt to heal, in fact it usually does. But it feels better once we've released that energy. Is it a little early in your seperation from the folx at the KH?, then time will eventually begin to make a difference for you. Maybe the shock is just begining to set in. Hang in there, hang in here if you must, someone as I'm sure you already know, will always be there to encourage you.

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