PROVE That Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T Have The Truth

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    JW don't have the truth, because they lie and thus emulate the Devil who is the father of lies.

    John 8

    44 YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of [the lie].


    He who carries on sin originates with the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from [the] beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, namely, to break up the works of the Devil.

    What about the way the GB continually changes the prophecies of the word of God and add and take away from the Bible'

    Revelation 22

    18 "I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

    Also Jehovah's witnesses are taught to have nothing what so ever with the politics of this world as stated in much of their literature

    WatchTower 1996 April 15th paragraphs 19/20

    Paul, James, and John give us solid reason for that stance. The apostle Paul wrote that Satan is "the god of this system of things," who is blinding the minds of the unbelievers by every means possible, including divisive politics. The disciple James stated that "friendship with the world is enmity with God," and the apostle John said that "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." A true Christian, therefore, cannot compromise his devotion to God by being involved in Satan?s corrupt world of politics and power.?2 Corinthians 4:4; James 4:4; 1 John 5:19.

    That includes being a nog of the UNs which is the image of the wild beast, Satan and his visible and invicible organization .

    To me this is all the proof I needed to see for myself that the WTBS are hypocrites and they don't have the truth that is the truth of the word of God. Not mans truth.. or fabrication of truth.


  • jgnat

    I see the trick in distinguishing between "truths" and "The Truth". Every one of us, while limited to our own perception, cannot contain "The Truth". It is too big. For now, all of us see in the mirror, darkly. Even the witnesses admit they are "imperfect" in their understanding.

    So how do they claim The Big Truth, then? Can they claim to have the Most Perfect Truth, or the Next Best Thing? I will say a truth now. The sky is blue. I am therefore proven to be a truth-giver. Also, I heard Farmer Brown say the sky is grey the other day, which proves he is a liar. You must now accept that I have The Most Perfect Truth, and must believe everything I say. If you don't, you are lacking in faith.

    Do you see the flawed logic in this? This is the same problem with the witnesses. They cannot claim to have "The Truth", even they must admit they don't have it perfectly. To maintain that they have the Next Best Thing, they have to prove that everyone else is more flawed. Which they do a lot of. But even that does not make them Exclusive Truth Givers. I think it can be successfully argued that their religion is as flawed as any other.

    I imagine if I tried this logic out on a witness, they would tell me I am trying to confuse them.

  • Honesty


  • AlmostAtheist
    AlmostAtheist - I can't read your posts without hearing them in Fry's voice

    I have the same experience with confusedjw

    I read all his posts and hear Hank Hill. Often it's hilarious, I tell ya what.


  • one

    Because i say so

    Because "millions" who were living are now dead

    Because 1975 + 30 = 2005 and counting

    Because Ray Franz says so and i challenge anyone to read his books and confirm. I mean tha's an INSIDE perspective, can't beat that..

    Becasue it has been "PROVED"

    Because jw do not want you to read Ray's books

    Because no jw is willing to seat down and read verse by verse... i mena parragrahp by parragraph what Ray and others like Carl Olson has to say in their books.

    Because their are afraid of doing it

    Because anyone who is afraid and hide does not have the truth

    Because, sorry for the being repetitive, Wt does not face lets say "professional" opposers in public, as their claimed leader jesus did when "opposers" tested him. I mean some of those professional opposer are just stating facts, not bashing.

    Becasue as insuanted above they like darkness, ashame to come to light

    Becasie common sense tell you shunning is a way to avoid the truth, something not even god did to satan for so call 6000 years after He found out his beloved creature became a "liar", now jw dont wait a second to if they think a member is "liyng", by expressing.a doubt or try to clarify a doctrine.

    All of the above.

  • jeanniebeanz

    I agree with you in principle, Honesty. But, I believe that the Society has been very careful on this topic. They have tried very hard to phrase their literature so that they refer to the GB as similar to a prophet, but without coming right out and saying it. They are slippery. Does anyone know if they ever came right out and called themselves a prophet? I don't have a CD with all the info on it. Jean

  • czarofmischief

    Well, the hub of their apocalyptic argument revolves around Matthew 24 and Luke 21, which they apply to our day, saying that the wars, diseases, famines, earthquakes all describe our time as the time of a Second Coming. Other preachers, including the writers of the bestselling "Last Days" books, have copied this concept.

    But if you read Matthew 24:23, you can see that Jesus himself said that these things would NOT indicate that he was there, and that anyone who claimed otherwise would be one of the deceivers. His presence would be like the lightning: sudden, complete, unpredictable and unexpected, universal, ethereal and all-encompassing, undeniable, heavenly, obvious, and QUICK (not 120 years long, for instance). The idea of it coming in a period abnormally free of war is also indicated by Paul when in his words about Peace and Security (which has been badly abused by the WT). Just point that out - they won't have an argument against it. It's the actual Bible, which they have possibly never read without the WT holding their hand.

    All of this undermines their "Presence" argument. If there is no parousia today, then... who appointed the WT as the faithful and discreet slave?

    Erm... (church lady voice) SATAN?

    So, Satan aside, I can then move forward. The essential crux of their argument, the claim to divine appointment, can be further undermined by examining them by the Bible's standards for teachers, shepherds, and prophets.

    As teachers, they are woefully bad. Sure, they have a vaunted education program, but it has long since fossilized into an exercise in political programming. Very little actual Bible reading, but plenty of mindless pablum in the form of magazines (most of the articles these days revolve around "respect for authority" anyway). "Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a heavier judgement" That is because Christian teachers are charged with helping to nurture mature Christians capable of making decisions for themselves. What the WT creates is a horde of zombies. You can see the lack of mental engagment at every meeting, even when they are out preaching. All their answers do not come from the heart or mind, but from some sort of mental screen that lowers down and provides ready answers. (look at their stance on blood, for instance. When will the zombies put two and two together?)

    As shepherds, we can see their fruitage in our own lives and in the lives of those we love. "After my going away, false shepherds will arise and mistreat the flock." Systemic child abuse, cruel and unusual disfellowshipping procedures, hypocritical involvement with the UN, questionable business deals, the constant nagging for more donations. Measure them with the yardstick that they measured you and I at our Judicial Committees! We fell short of that impossible measure, and they did not forgive us. They also do not measure up, but fortunately it is not our problem to forgive them. It is not us that they have sinned against the most.

    As prophets, well, that is just laughable, really. Not one prediction, not even 1914, came true like they expected. "You must not listen to him or get frightened at him".

    How's that?


  • one

    What do yor have to say min?

  • jwsons
  • moomanchu

    You can't look for ONE flaw in a religion and label it FALSE.

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