Words you used instead of cussing

by JH 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Witnesses must always have a clean and pure language to honor God, and must never cuss.

    Now imagine an elder accidentally hitting his finger with a hammer...

    What words may he exclaim in this moment of pain?

    It seems so natural to cuss when we feel pain or frustration.

    Since you were all good witnesses and never cussed, what words did you often use in these moments of pain and frustration?

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Since I grew up in Utah, JW's there adopted many of the Mormon cussing substitutes. Friggin', Or my personal favorite-fetchin' was used to sub for the F-word. "Bastidge" was a popular one. Sheesh, Shucks, Gol-darn, Gosh-dang, all were used alot.

  • avishai
    Sheesh, Shucks, Gol-darn, Gosh-dang,

    I was taught these were blasphemy. My parents would have rather I used Obscenity or vulgarity than profanity.

    Now, of course, I just dont give a.............

  • Elsewhere

    When I was a kid I said "shoot" a lot. Apparently I said it too much and my dad forbade me from saying it.


  • ohiocowboy

    Shoot, Darnit, and Geesh, I was not allowed to say as they were euphemisms, yet my P.O. father would have a mouth worse than a sailor and use the very naughty 4 letter words on a very regular basis...Go figure...

  • lonelysheep

    Darnit, crud (instead of shit), freggin...I got laughed at alot by friends.

  • candidlynuts

    in a long southern drawl.........daaaaaaaaaaang !

    my good jw ex would say " godamsunofabitchmotherflucker" all in one word. once he said c***sucker in front of our 4 yr old daughter and when she asked what it meant i told him to explain it to her. he got so maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad at me.. daaaaaaaaaaang! lol

  • sweetone2377

    I don't remember having any substitute words. I was taught that they were just as bad and I might as well be using the actual word. But I was dragged into the back room on more than one occasion for both, the actual word and the substitute. Boy, if I had the guts back then that I have now....I would've used my mother's "word" (she ran them all together and use to spew it several times each day).

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    What words may he exclaim in this moment of pain?

    hmm, how about sumthin Shakespearean, like "suffering cats!" or... "god's teeth!"...

    we used to use substitues, like "fudgecake" for "f--k" and "dang" for "damn", and "H-E-double hockey sticks" for "Hell"... (i'm so glad i can swear with impunity now, if i want...)

  • glitter


    Frigging *is* a sexual swearword!! "Frig" is the female equivalent of "wank". You were inadvertantly a bad bad JW!!! :D

    I used to say "oh sugar!" instead of "oh shit!" and I wasn't even allowed to say crap, so would often rescue myself by saying "that's cr..ubbish!!"

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