Do you think that the "U.N." will one day ban all religions?

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • OICU8it2

    It wouldn't surprise me since the UN is a lot of 3rd world thugs, dictators, and punks. The rest are liberal, left-wing tree-huggin' wackos who think big gov't bureacracies will help preserve us all. I even heard Goofi Annin talking about a world tax.

  • eyeslice

    No. A general ban on religion will never work. Look how the communist block tried to get rid of religion. 60 years later when communism started to crumble, it turns out that religion had survived and it seems to have re-emerged as strong as ever.

    Any system of human rule has to recognise that religion is deeply ingrained in the human psyche.


  • Gill

    If you try to ban something you just make it more 'fun' and people cling to it tighter than ever.

  • gumby

    Did sticking bicycle spokes through the legs of witness children in Malawi when the witnesses were attacked.......stop them? Did the spanish inquisitions stop the heretics? Why in the hell would/could the UN succeed? That would be like the war against wouldn't work. It might slow it down, but it wouldn't erradicate it.


  • jgnat

    Wait a minute. By it's own mandate, the UN doesn't want to ban religion.

    Facing reality means looking at reality. If you want to know what the UN is trying to do, read their stuff. The only reason the UN has been demonized is because of a few folk who are trying to predict the future by reading a 2000 year old prophecy.

  • avengers
    Its a matter of time before UN and governments turn on religion and ban it, destroying babylon the great. Shutting down the temples and churches, calling all who don't submit terrorists.Its a matter of time before UN and governments turn on religion and ban it, destroying babylon the great. Shutting down the temples and churches, calling all who don't submit terrorists.

    What the JW's don't realize is that if this happens the WT will be in front of the line to get what it deserves.

    1 Destruction of marriages and family.
    2 The hiding of pedofiles within the conggregation.
    3 Having had possession of military shares.
    4 Having been affiliated with the UN.
    5 False prophecy.
    6 Shunning
    7 Death of children by denying innoculation
    8 Thousands of deaths by refusing blood transfusions.


    edited for spelling

  • gumby

    Well said gnathead!


  • jgnat

    You are welcome gumbyear!

  • Country_Woman

    No way.

    Christianity is very deep rooted in the USA and the Islam as deep in Asia.

    The UN possible are able to ban the minor religions - the cults.

    And even that won't be happen at all I think.

  • Iskra

    I had heard there were temples in place that are "dedicated to the God of the United Nations" Anyone else heard of this?

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